Chapter 8: Lesson

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Still in 3rd person's POV

"Umm... Whats wrong?" Ocellus asked.

"If I'm the friendship problem, then why haven't you know, glow??" Orchid asked.

"Not sure but we definitely can't go back home before we figure out what else we need to do." Sandbar said.

"Wait! Didn't griffon said that maybe Orchid and Orchid's mom are both problem?" Yona asked.

"But that would mean Orchid would have to confront her mom." Silverstream replied.

"M-m-me? Confront my mom?? N-no, I can't. She's too strict about our laws in our kingdom. Besides, w-what do I need to c-confront her a-about? I can't just-"

"Look, we know confronting your mom is scary, but Tempest visited you guys because she thought it would be a good idea for all of you to learn friendship. Who knows? Maybe your mom would have a change of heart once you tell her that you're the one who's right and she's wrong." Gallus cut her off. Orchid Breeze still felt nervous coming back.

"But how about all of you? I can't just leave you alone." Orchid breeze replied.

"Don't worry, your kingdom isn't the type of place to have much guests and we understand that. We'll just stay here and wait until we glow or something like that." Smolder replied.

"Remember, friends believe Orchid can do this."" Yona said. 

"I promise I'll come back for you guys." Orchid said as she spread out her wings ad hovered above them.

          They all nodded and Orchid Breeze smiled to her new friends before taking off and returning back to her home,

"Any creature want cupcakes?" Sandbar asked before pulling out two boxes of cupcakes out of his saddle bag.

"How do they still have frosting on them? Usually they would collapse or something." Gallus said.

"Well, Professor Pinkie Pie does have her ways in baking." Sandbar replied. They all sat down in a circle and ate their cupcakes.



          The six creatures felt stuffed after eating a lot of cupcakes but then saw each other glowing. Orchid Breeze came flying towards the six friends. Every creature noticed her huge smile on her face. She then landed and said,

"I did it!!! Sorry it took so long, a lot of the eltas missed me so much, it was hard to get through a crowd but I managed. I was able to confront my mom what happened but of course I didn't mention you guys since she would get crazy. We had a few mishaps during our conversation but then she she accepted the fact that she was wrong and I was right. And so, she accepted Wind Tide for who she is. Not only that but I was able to tell my subjects about what I learned about friendship, I even apologized to my little sister and her friend and they both forgave me, but I have to share my clothes to her which is something I don't like. Sadly, Wind Tide was caught and was sent to the dungeons but I was able to talk to her and asked if we could start over and she said yes. So I'm planning to come back later and catch up with a few things." Orchid explained.

"We're so proud of you Orchid!!!'" Silverstream saiid as she givs her a tight hug and lets go.

"Well, we better get going. Its getting dark and we don't want the Princess of Friendship to be worried." Sandbar said.

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