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With grace, the beauty of gamelan echoes, as Indo walk with elegant and sophisticated. Straight to Malaya and he bow.
"Abang is so cool..."
"Shh! Be quiet!"
Malaysia and Singapore whispered making Indo holding his laugh abit. Slowly yet neatly, Malaya put on the golden luxurious crown and with respect,Malaya stick his palm together and bow, backing up from the throne to let Indo sit. There the mighty. Son of the glorious Majapahit and angelic Zamrud. Indonesia watch as everyone bow to him, he felt nothing but nervous, can he actually rule? Will become a great leader?

Midnight, tired from all the events and greetings the citizen, Indo let out a sigh. Indo refuses to move to the another room where a king is or what is said his father's room. He let the Malay family be there. He enjoys his familiarity with his room and well in excuses to not cry about his parents. Suddenly while in sore, a slight creak was heard. Indo jumped at the sound and turned, just to see two small figures. "Ibu let us sleep with let us.." Malaysia spoke in representative of him and Singapore. Indo nod and pat the spot beside him making the two excitedly ran. Almost forgetting to close the door. "So soft...!!" Singapore whine. She in her bare kain pelikat to cover her legs and a simple dress. Same with Malaysia but he wore a shirt. Not even a second, Singapore already fell asleep.
Indo sigh and shift to a more comfortable position for Singapore. Tucking her in the high quality blanket, she sleeps like a flower at night.

Indo refuses to talk much with them due to different language style. Yet Malaysia pulled his shirt softly, signaling he wanted to talk.
"I...have a question..."
Malaysia rubs his hands together showing he is nervous.
"What....was the thing...uhmm... just now....when you roared and...there was...."
" can see that?...."

Indo never knew someone else could see his other side. He thought only his mother can. Yet here he is, witnessing a truth of Malaysia's unfiltered eyes.

"Can i talk about him...?"
Indo is shook how Malaysia as a little kid know the respective talks for "those" and even its way by asking permission.
"That thing is me, Malaysia.." his eyes widened.
"! huge.. i think that is the biggest of what i ever seen..."
"..what you ever seen?"
Indo is more interested now he knows Malaysia have seen more than his other parts. Malaysia explained how his eyes are naturally unfiltered since he was a baby. His mother would tell he cries alot due to those things and slowly Malaysia grew up to seeing them daily.
"Aren't you scared?"
Indo asked in worry how could such a kid experience this. Even he is like Malaysia, yet it is reasonable due to how he is half bunian.
"I think well?... disadvantages?"
Malaysia softly spoke, he don't know how either.
"What do you think about my other side..?"
"I was so scared when i see you like that, i never been so scared of them things since i grew up with it until i see yours"
"Im sorry, i know its too big...but...i think im a saka Malaysia"
"YOU'URE A WHA- Im sorry h-how!? What but your dad died? A saka...always rage when they didnt hsve an owner...wait...did my ayah...did a..."
"Owning ritual..."
"You're ours...?"
"I swore to protect you and your family Malay..even your sister, everyone and in the future and the big guy you saw? How was it now?"
"I think...i felt so calm...i see less of the things ever since that."
"I protected you Mal.."
Malaysia went silent suddenly, tears started forming and he sobs.
"Hey--what's wrong?..."
"Thank you! Thank you so much abang! Thank you!"

Malaysia cries softly on Indo's chest. He cries like a child thats been under pressured. Softly Indo pats his head. Hushing the small one and cradling.
"You're safe now with me, and Singapore, i promise to protect you...forever.."
Suddenly while kissing Malaysia's head. He felt another body figure hugging him. Singapore. She is sobbing too. Probably heard it all.
"I cant see things but...thank you for saving my brother from his worry and protecting us..." Singapore whimper and let out a sniff. She brust. Couldnt hold the emotions anymore. Indo gently pick up the two and cradle them. Letting them cry and let out all the burden thats been weighing their poor body. While humming a soft lullaby. Slowly they stopped crying out loud and sniffing. And slowly drifted to sleep. How he pity this childrens. He lay them both on his bed and slept besides. Handing the begging for a touch of his an arms. They sleep with care and safe. Indo sigh in relieved.


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