They clearly think this phone call is going in a different direction then both Louis and I were thinking.

"I'm in the studio." I say.

"Okay just lie down on the floor than."

Liam is shaking his head. Niall has a a hand over his mouth trying not to laugh out loud. Zayn is trying not to smile.

I decide to fuck with them a little bit. Seeing as they have no idea what is about to happen.

I do what Louis said and lie down on the floor, placing the phone up near my head.

"The lads are looking at me like I'm crazy." I tell him.

"They can think that all they want." He says laughing. I love his laugh, it's so perfect and pure, full of joy.

"What do I do now?" I ask, only for the benefit of fucking with the lads.

"Come on Haz we've done this before."

They are staring at me, waiting. They are cleary thinking this is going in a different direction.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask.

"Life I guess." Louis says simply. I watch as the lads all give me confused expressions. I smile.

I look away from them and to the ceiling, like Louis is no doubt doing in the cafe right now.

"What about it?" There is a long pause and I wait for what he is about to say.

"I saw this word the other day." He starts.

"A word?" I ask chuckling.

"Yes, Harold, a word." He says sassily.

I laugh. "What was the word?"

"Sonder." He says.

The way he pronounces it makes it sound like their is a weight to it. Like it's meaning is vastly important.

"What does it mean?" I ask quietly.

"It's the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own." He says.

I think about the word, I have definitely thought about that before. I just had no idea there was a word for it. There is a pause between us. I forget that there are other people in the room with me right now.

Louis breaks the silence between us by saying. "It scared the shit out of me."

"I can see that." I laugh out.

"But think about it." He continues. "I will only ever see the world from my perspective and you will only ever see the world through yours."


"And we form opinions based on past experiences but no one experiences one thing the same. So we will never see the world the same way as anyone else."

There is another pause. It's kind of sad when you think about life like that. As though reading my thoughts Louis adds.

"It's kind of lonely to think about that."

I take a deep breath. "Then I guess we need to find people who make it feel less lonely."

"Yeah." Is all he say in response.

There is another silence. I look around the room again. The lads seem to be in deep thought as well.

"Lou? Are you still there?"



"What are you thinking about?"

"How complicated everything is." I answer quietly.

The lads and I have never really talked like this before. It's strange to know they are listening to this conversation.

"I like complicated." Louis' voice is just as quiet as mine.

"So do I." I pause deep in thought. "I hate that people over simplify a lot of things, do you know what I mean?"

"Kind of." I can hear that he is thinking hard. Trying to understand what I mean.

"Like people label everything we do. We describe things using a single word. But there are somethings that shouldn't be simplified. You know? Like people, we are always labeling everything to do with ourselves. Not just sexuality but other things like the way we think and act, how we feel, are all labeled. Why does it need to be explained with a single word? Why does it need to be simple? Why can everything be a little more complicated?"

I can tell the the boys weren't expecting that from me. They all look at me. I see no judgment in thier eyes, just curiosity.

Louis doesn't say anything so I decide to continue. "I mean sure there are something's that don't need to be complicated, but when it's too simple it uses its meaning."

"I agree with that." Louis finally speaks. "I feel like complexity makes things beautiful, and us simplifying everything destroys part of that beauty."

Louis is incredible. Not only is he absolutely gorgeous, he has such a beautiful mind. He sees everything from the most interesting perspective. He sees beauty in things that no one else does. And it's incredible to hear. I wish I could see things from his perspective. I know I can't though, so hearing it is enough for me.

I hear him yawn. I smile to myself. "I'm getting tired." I hear him say. He sounds sleepy, it's cute.

"Okay angel, I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I ask timidly. I don't really want him to go, but I know he need to sleep.

" 'course Hazza." He says in the middle of a yawn.

"Goodnight angel." I whisper.

"Goodnight baby."

I turn off my phone and sit up. The lads all look surprised.

"He's not like anyone I have ever met." I say, quietly smiling.

"He seems special." Liam says. It's nice to hear that from him. To know that he in some way is okay with Louis.

I later check twitter and see messages from each of the boys.

Just over heard a conversation between @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson honestly that is not what I expected at all.

@Louis_Tomlinson I have never seen @Harry_Styles act like he does when he talks to you. You bring out the best in him.

@Louis_Tomlinson are probably the only person I have seen @Harry_Styles be himself with, he doesn't even act like that with us. You really pull him out of his shell.

Seeing the boys tweets makes me smile. I decide to tweet out one last thing.

@Louis_Tomlinson thank you for being my angel

Hello again it is 1:20 in the morning when I am posting this.

Which means I will be up for approximately 2 to 3 more hours.

Anyways I wanted to update, I hope you liked it 😊

Sorry I didn't update earlier I was hanging out with a friend of mine.

Hello Gwen if you are reading this. ✌️


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