"No no Cal, I'm agreeing with you. I'm sure tons of 28 year olds read the digital newspaper on their iPhone 11's. Let me know when you get to the funnies, the only section of substance in the newspaper." I said with an innocent smile on my face, though that was the last straw for Cal.

"You-" he growled slightly, then decided to let it be and instead leave me and Mitchell sitting at the table together alone.

Once Cal left however, the light smile dropped off Mitchell's face, making me question if it had ever really been there. And even more questionable, the second Cal left the room, Mitchell got up to put his bowl in the dishwasher and began to walk out of the room.

Slowly the enthusiasm and the smile dropped off my face as the euphoria feeling from last night drained out of my body when I realized Mitchell wasn't going to say anything to me, in fact, he was avoiding me.

Instead of simply letting him go however, I decided to question it. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

He turned back to face me, "I have to get ready for my shift, starts in a bit."

"I thought you were working afternoon with Miles and I today?" I questioned. I clearly remembered this week's schedule and showing that Mitchell and I were supposed to be working noon shift on Thursday.

"Well, Wes and I switched shifts. He had the morning shift, but he requested afternoon so I switched with him." Mitchell replies and then left the room abruptly leaving me wondering what went wrong.


"He did what?!!?" Miles exclaimed aloud after I told him what Mitchell and I had gotten up to last night.

"Shh, keep your voice down!" I said to Miles, glancing around at the various couples and families that turned to find the source of the exclamation.

"Hallie that's so dangerous! You know that!" Miles scolded.

"I know but I just- I don't know. But that's not even the half of it!" I told Miles. I then recounted the events of last night and how Mitchell had tried to play a trick on me and how furious I was.

"And then I was talking to Connor, when like an hour or so later Mitchell came to knock on my door, so I hung up with Connor, and then Mitchell came in my room and kissed me-"

"He kissed you?!!?" Miles asked incredulously.

"Well don't act so surprised." I said, acting offended, "I know you see me as nothing more than your little sister, but I am a viable option for suitors."

"Oh shut up, Hallie. I've been telling you for ages you could get any guy you want wrapped around your finger, I'm just surprised Mitchell had the balls." Miles huffed.

"Yeah well, that's when the good part of the story ends, and I'm not so sure about that claim." I told him.

"What do you mean?" Miles asked.

"This morning, complete cold shoulder. He hardly said anything to me, and when he did it was only because I confronted him." I informed Miles, filling him in on the rest of the story.

"That is so douche-y." Miles said shocked, "I can't believe he-"

"And it gets worse. He was supposed to work noon shift with us, but he magically switched with Wes to get morning shift." I said, finally catching him up on everything that happened last night and this morning.

"Well that can be figured out right now." Miles said under his breath but still so that I could hear it, "Wes! Come here for a sec!" Miles shouted and Wes jogged up the beach toward our tower.

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