Chapter 27: Ghosts Give A Second Chance

Start from the beginning

"The past is offering to tutor the person," Delilah said.

"How so?" Splinter asked, crossing his hands in his lap.

"Maybe... Through memories, or... Spirits?" she questioned.

"Perfect," Splinter smiled, happy with the progress she was making.

"Now the final sentence: 'You will learn what you can for I must be gone, you will know before the year is done,'" Master Splinter said. Delilah thought.

"The person will learn from the tutor- the past?"

"Precisely, for the first half," Splinter said. "What about the second?"

"That seems self-explanatory," Delilah said. "The person will know the answers by the end of the year?"

"Yes. Now, all together, what story do the phrases tell?" Delilah thought.

"The person wants to find answers, so they look to the past for guidance. Their guidance comes from the past, who is tutoring them in finding their answers through memories and/or spirits. The person will learn what they can from their tutor by the end of the year," Delilah said, thinking about what they had talked about.

Master Splinter was greatly pleased which how easily she accepted the information.

"Exactly, Delilah," he smiled. "Now, you didn't understand then, but you do now. Why do you think I've made it clear now?" Deliah thought.

"I... I'm not sure, sensei," she whispered solemnly. At this point, Raph came back into the Tartaruga truck, covered in bruises and small cuts. Tina grabbed the alcohol and gauze and started to tend to Raph's wounds.

"I cleared it now for you to seek guidance from Leonardo and myself. We are your tutors, Delilah. Your spirits," Master Splinter said. "We cannot answer your question directly, only guide you to your answers." Delilah thought, then smiled weakly.

"My questions are- simply put: 'Am I doing something wrong in leading the team?' and 'Why have I started acting without thinking?' If that makes sense..." she whispered.

"They do make sense," Leo confirmed, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Okay..." Delilah said. She looked back at Master Splinter who was in deep thought.

"What makes you think you're acting without thinking?" Master Splinter asked after a while.

"I knew Donnie said I shouldn't fight so I wouldn't die, but the moment I saw Raph in trouble, I went into the fight anyway. I didn't even think of the consequences, and now I could die," Delilah said, waving to her body.

"What made you go into the fight?" Leo asked.

"Raph. He was in trouble, he needed help. So I went to help him," Delilah responded.

"Why did you help him?"

"Because I love him, so so much," she said with a smile. "I'd do anything for him. For everyone in this truck, really," she added.

She looked at Casey and Dill in the front seat. They were able to pull the truck next to Foot Clan's van so they could see the driver, who looked panicked. Dill was acting as if they were on an adrenaline rush, but Delilah could tell they were still worried about Delilah. Casey was concentrating on making the right moves at the right moment with a professional's skill.

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