Part Meetings

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Danny nearly choked on his Cheerios but managed to control his coughing after a few seconds, "And when is this party?", he questioned warily.

Vlad glanced away for a few seconds and then down, a look of slight guilt on his face before replying to his adopted son, "Ah... It's actually tomorrow evening..." He trailed off, "It.. Sort of slipped my mind with the adoption and getting you comfortable." Vlad locked eyes with him, a pleading look on his face, "I'm really sorry, but can you please go? He has a son about your age so maybe you can become friends?"

Danny sighed and pushed away his now empty bowl to lay his head on the table to think. He hadn't been outside since the accident, and no matter how introverted he was, that wasn't the most healthy thing. It could be good for him to see humans. But something could go wrong, he dismissed the thought quickly, Vlad would take care of it if something happened. The only people he's had contact with have been Vlad and ghosts. And none of them were human because, of course, he and Vlad were Halfa's. Even though he celebrates his birthday a few days before Christmas(a plot by his younger self to lessen the fighting during the holidays), his actual birthday is today. He set his shoulders and sat up "I'll go." And then he got up to put his dishes, the milk and the Cheerios away. As he went to walk to his room he paused and turned around to question, "When do we have to leave?"

"It's a 15 hour drive since it's in Gotham so we'll have to make sure we leave in an hour and a half, 9, at the very latest." Vlad answered, "Now off you go, I expect you to look like a Masters!" Danny chuckled and Vlad smiled after him as he turned around and walked to his room. A smile came to his lips as he remembered the emotion filled eyes of Vlad when he realized that Danny changed his last name to Masters when he signed the adoption papers. He went straight to his walk-in closet when he reached his room to choose his outfit to pack for the next day. He walked for a while before he finally reached the fancy outfits and looked through them. He chose a white dress shirt, an emerald green tie, black dress pants, black, silver and dark green expensive high tops-with the brand name he can't pronounce-and a black dress vest. On his way out he grabbed an emerald green and silver handkerchief. He set them on one of the dark grey and green armchairs near the left window and walked over to his bathroom to take a shower.


After his nice hour long shower it was still only 7:30. After getting dressed in simple, comfortable, yet rich looking clothes he packed his overnight bag. Going slowly so as to take up as much time as possible so as not to get lost in his thoughts. A rather large rectangular box wrapped in black and green paper with a white and silver ribbon caught his eye from where it was laying on the chest at the end of his bed. With a raised brow he picked it up carefully and read the note: Dear Little Badger, I know that today is your real birthday even though Jack, Maddie and the rest celebrated it closer to Christmas due to time problems and your cleverness. I didn't really know what to give you so I hope you like it. ~Love The Fruit loop

He ripped off the wrapping and gasped. Vlad had bought him two different sketch books, a pack of drawing pencils and a large box of high quality pencil crayons. Smiling faintly, he sat on his bed, flipping to the first page as he grabbed a pencil and eraser. Everything else fell away as he drew, it was immensely relaxing.


Danny jerked minutely when there was a sharp knock and looked up when the door opened to see Vlad standing there with a gentle smile on his face. "Are you coming? It's almost 9." opening the door further he stepped in and raised an eyebrow at the mess the teen had made on his bed from unwrapping everything. He gaped for a moment before scrambling off the bed, with his birthday presents and overnight bag in his arms, grabbing his custom made phone and Bluetooth headphones as he hurried to the door. Vlad smirked as he let him pass him. Outside a Lamborghini was parked, ready and waiting for the two of them. They got in and started the long drive to Gotham. Putting on his headphones he relaxed into the music and continued to draw.


It was 11 at night when they arrived, and after signing in the hotel they were staying at they both changed and went to sleep.

The next morning when they woke up they both stayed in bed and watched Netflix and ate pancakes covered in syrup. They ate a lunch of sandwiches and soup before laying out their outfits. For the rest of the afternoon until the party Danny drew and Vlad worked on his laptop.

When it came time to get ready Danny went into the bathroom to get changed. After he finished he took one final quick look in the full body mirror that was situated opposite the door.. He slicked his hair back with his hand and snorted at himself, "I look like a stuck up rich prick!" he laughed while ruffling up his hair again, unbuttoning his vest and untucking his shirt. He nodded, satisfied with his outfit, before turning and leaving the bathroom to go and join his father.


"Dick, I would like you to meet my friend and business partner, Vladimir Masters of VladCo." Bruce walked up to him with two other people. The one right next to him is a few inches taller than his father with long silver hair pulled into a low ponytail, and deep calculating blue eyes. The intimidating man straightened the well kept black suit he was wearing, which went well with the dark blue tie and handkerchief.

"Nice to meet you Richard you may call me Vlad." Vlad firmly shook his outstretched hand before gesturing to the last one to be introduced, "This is my son, Daniel." Daniel was a few inches taller than Dick and looked to be about 15 years old. He had messy, raven black hair, clear, pale skin and cold Icy blue eyes-just as calculating and weary as his fathers-that could freeze over hell with one glance. The other teen wore a white untucked dress shirt, a black unbuttoned dress vest, black dress pants, black, green and silver, sleek looking high tops all of which was paired with an emerald green tie and a sliver and dark green handkerchief to mirror his father. Daniel's eyes looked around as if he was mapping out the whole place, looking for the best way to escape if he needed to. Those calculating eyes looked him up and down as if they were looking deep inside him to his soul.

A hand was held out and he shook it, "Call me Dick." Daniel let go of his hand, "Call me Danny." Was the short reply.

After a bit of talking with Bruce, Vlad walked away with Danny tailing him closely like a shadow. Bruce turned to him and they shared a thought. There is something up with Danny.

Throughout the night the two of them continued to watch two Masters as they interacted with the other guests. Dick was looking around for Danny since he had lost visual when he heard someone speak behind him, startling him into jumping.

"Where's the washroom?" He turned around-surprised-to see that it was Danny. He hesitantly gave the other blue eyed, black haired boy directions before immediately going to find Bruce. He has never had anyone besides Bruce and Alfred sneak up on him. He finally found the man wandering away from the drink table after just finishing talking to a fellow upperclassmen.

"There is definitely something up with him, he walked up to me and I didn't even notice until he said something!" Dick whispered furiously. Bruce nodded and was about to say something back when someone came up and started to talk with them. He was sent a look that he knew meant, we'll talk about this later.

Finally Broken? DPxYJ (This is the edited and updated version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن