Secrets Uncovered

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We get back to the house and see a car in the driveway.

"Beck, isn't that mom's car?" Gio asks. I clench my fist and get out of the car. When I get inside I make eye contact with Stacia immediately.

"Get out." I say.

"Becca I-" She begins. I shake my head.

"I didn't stutter! Get the fuck out of this house! You aren't welcome here, so leave! Now!" I scream. She stands up and glares.

"I am your mother! You will not speak to me like that!" She says.

"You are not my mother! You didn't even call once! You didn't visit! You weren't there for us then, and you won't be there now! Stop pretending that everything is okay just because you finally decided to step up! When you prove you can be more than the woman that gave birth to us, we might consider coming back to you. Your son is trying, why can't you?!" I yell. She stands there silently.

"Rebecca Lorraine! Your father would be very disappointed in you, talking to Stacia that way!" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn and see my grandmother.

"Abuela!" Gio yells. I look down.

"That's what I thought. Now apologize to Stacia and let her explain herself!" She yells. I turn to Stacia.

"I'm not sorry for what I said, but I do apologize for the way I said it." I say. My grandmother slaps my head.

"Although I know that's the best we will get out of you at this moment, you need to learn to respect Stacia. She is still your mother." My grandmother says.

"For another month." I mumble.

"I'm going to act like you didn't just disrespect me and just ask who these two kids are." She says.

"Hi! I'm Adelaide and this is my brother Adam!" Addie says, extending her hand out to my grandmother.

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm Alana Romero, Rebecca's grandmother." My grandmother says.

"We will let you all talk." Adam says, grabbing Addie and walking away.

"Becca I'm so sorry! I did try to call, but your father didn't want me around you. I regret cheating on him so much, but when he took you and not Alvaro I was devastated! I begged him to let Alvaro come live with him, but he refused. When your grandmother called me telling me about your accident, I told Rio to watch Alvaro and I booked the earliest flight I could find!" Stacia says. My grandmother interrupts.

"When your mother arrived, you were still asleep. I tried to keep your father away long enough so Stacia was the first person you saw, but he figured it out and went straight to the hospital and screamed at her to leave. He told me if I ever pulled something like that again, he would make sure you and Gio never saw me again. I only wanted to keep you guys because I didn't want to be alone, not because I thought Stacia was an unfit mother. Please, give her the chance to prove herself." She begs. I look down and cry quietly.

"I-I'm so sorry mom. P-please don't be mad! I didn't know any of this, if I had I-" Stacia hugs me.

"D-did you just call me mom?" She asks. I hug her tighter and nod. Gio walks over and hugs us too.

"Beck, does this mean we are going back home?" He asks. I look up at mom.

"Only if you want to, Gio." I say, wiping my eyes. He nods and I smile.

"Let's get you two packed then!" Mom says.


"I'm going to miss you Beckie!" Addie says. I laugh.

"We still have our hoodies Addie! Anytime you miss me just wear your hoodie and I'll do the same! Besides, we'll see each other at school!" I reply. She nods and hugs me.

"Let's go kids! I still have to feed your siblings!" Mom yells. Gio and I laugh.

"Bye guys! I'll see you at school!" I yell. Adam and Addie wave as we drive off and I see Addie wipe a tear.

"They're still our family right Beck?" Gio asks. I nod.

"They always will be." I reply, wiping a tear off my face. Here we go again I guess.

Almost Home ~K.C.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz