Chapter 1- WORK

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I woke up and checked the time on my phone next to me. FUCK I'm gonna be late for work if I don't hurry! I thought to myself while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I work at the police station as a 'Law Enforcement Technology Officer', which means that I help to plan, direct and guide technology decisions for the department that I work in, though my friends there mostly refer to me as the nerd. I was a little insecure, because ever since I finished police academy I didn't really get put on a case yet, probably because they don't actually need me with every little case for more than a short period of time, so I mostly just hang around for when people need me.

I jumped out of bed, blinded by the light walking to the bathroom, taking a fast shower and putting on my clothes. I went downstairs and saw my roommate Amethyst drinking out of a milk carton. "Morning P-dot" She said as she looked in the milk carton thirsty for more "Morning Amethyst" I replied in a hurry, grabbing a bowl for cereal while almost pushing over a dirty glass that hasn't been cleaned yet- "Woah what's the hurry?" Amethyst asked, looking at me while I searched for milk "I got work, you know? You should try it too" I said irritated, while pushing my glasses up my nose as they keep sliding down. "Good that you bring that up you nerd, I am going to apply for a job at that coffee place down the street, I think it was called Starstrucks or something... By the way, I think we're out of milk..." I angrily looked up. I'll just get some on my way home from work later tonight...

As I finally arrived at the police station, I walked into my team leader (and one of my closer friends), Garnet. "Good morning Peridot, I have a quick question for you." She said while looking cool AF, she always wore sun glasses- even inside. "Oh hey, sure, what is it?" I asked curious "Well, I was actually hoping you would be interested in going on a stake-out with one of our other officers, there is a drugs dealer on the loose and we got tipped that he might be hiding in a facility across the yellow apartment complex on the other side of Beach City." Garnet asked me, while looking into what appeared to be files or something "Oh uh this is a bit sudden, but I guess I could tag along? But what do you need me for there..." I replied. Garnet looked in my eyes, "We would need recording 24/7 from the angle of the room that you would be staying in with Officer L. Lazuli, and " I didn't really listen to the rest of what she was telling me, because as soon as I heard 'L. Lazuli' I couldn't help but think about her, I've seen her walk in the hallways sometimes but never really met her, because I was too shy and just blushed a dark shade of red while walking past her every time I'd be in the situation of being in the same place with her. My friends have been teasing me extremely about this, because of course they had to notice how I acted around her...

After work I got home, I actually wanted to tell Amethyst that I'd be gone for a couple of days tomorrow morning, but she wasn't home and I had to get up early, so I put a post-it on the kitchen that said 'Hey Ame's, I'll be gone for couple of days due to work. See ya later' She probably wont even care, she will only take the chance to throw as many parties as possible, not that I mind though, normally she cleans up pretty good after herself. There have been some parties though, where she just wrecked the house. But since she's trying to get a job, I guess I could leave her be for a few days, right...? After I had packed all my stuff, I just wanted to sleep. I lied down at my bed, feeling my eyelids getting heavier by the second and falling into a peaceful sleep.


I entered the room in the small yellow apartment complex where I'd be for the next (few) days, finding her already in the room looking outside as she was sitting on one of the two single beds, she looked so beautiful while staring outside. "Oh hey there, I'm Lapis" She said to me, HELP I DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!! OHMYGAWD "uhm- H-hi! I'm P-Peridot," I managed to blurt out. WOW YEAH REAL SMOOTH PERIDOT... "Nice to meet you, I already chose a bed if you don't mind" Lapis said as she looked to her bags next to the left bed I guess she didn't really notice that I was staring at her- "Oh no I don't mind, I uh, prefer the right bed anyways." I murmured as I felt my face heating up, looking shyly into her oceanblue eyes, to my surprise she stared back into mine. Our eye contact got broken when my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

Since I didn't recognize the number that was calling me, I just ignored it and began setting up my electronic stuff. When they called me up again, I took up the call, "Hello, this is Peridot?" I asked irritated.

[N/A Hello reader(s)! I just wanted to quickly inform you that, I am doing this for fun, so I am absolutely open to critic and tips. I do not have a certain time that I upload like every week, or something, but I just upload when I finish a new chapter. This actually took me quite some time to make, since I haven't really written anything for about 2 years, and my first language isn't even English! So please don't pressure me to upload more, because it will just cause me stress, and that would lead to the point that I just don't have any fun in writing further in this book, and likely start a new one, updating this one less or even just close it off with a hurried ending. I also don't really know if this is a nice length to read one chapter at a time. This is about 1000 words, please tell me if you think this is too short/long or just fine, because I am still learning here. Thanks for understanding! :) -FriskyPotato. If you have questions about the story, or me personally I'd be happy to answer them in the comments below.]

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