Backstory [2]

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3rd POV

At the Midoriya household

Izuku was about to get another beating by his parents when suddenly the door bust open, and people dressed in black military looking tactical gear entered the house. His ears were still ringing when he saw the Intruders shoot his mum and dad but instead of feeling scared or sad, he felt... relieved. Unfortunately, that did not last very long as one of the soldiers came closer to Izuku and injected something into the boy's neck. After that everything went black.

"Sir we have the package and are on our way back.

"Good job Delta-01. Return with the package immediately. We cannot risk getting caught by heroes"

"Roger that"

A few hours later at the military base

3rd POV

When Izuku woke up he couldn't remember anything. He looked around the room and saw that he was laying on a bed. The second he woke up the door to the room was opened and Izuku flinched slightly at the sound. A man in a black suit and two armed soldiers entered the room.

"Ah, I see you are awake. That's good. You probably don't know who you are and why you are here but don't worry that doesn't matter since officially you are declared dead."

"W-What do you mean?"

"That is none of your concern right now. You are part of a program to shape you into the perfect soldiers along with 39 other kids just like you."

Before Izuku could say anything he was roughly dragged out of his bed to what seemed like a big underground hangar. The Soldiers brought him to a group of kids all his age and told him to stay here. Since Izuku didn't know any better he just nodded and looked around. 'Just like that man said, there are 39 other children. They seem like they really are the same age as me.' Since Izuku was doing nothing he decided to speak to the kid next to him

"Hi, do you know where we are?"

"No sorry, I am just as confused as you. I would tell you my name, but I can't seem to remember it."

"Don't worry about it, I can't remember mine either, but I am sure everything will be fine."

Before the other boy could answer a man in a black suit began speaking loudly.

"Hello first things first, My name is Hades and all of you are part of program to make useful soldiers out of useless, quirkless scum like you. All of you are here to learn how to fight, kill and serve your country. Your life from here on out will consist of training, eating, sleeping and nothing else."

"What if we don't want to do that?" asked a short brown-haired kid.

"This will happen" is all the man said before he shot the poor kid in the head

The man then continued to speak as if nothing happened.

"You will all be assigned a codename later on but for now you will be escorted to your living quarters."

Izuku POV

Time skip to two years later

"Oh man training was tough today huh?"

"Oh, shut up I know you just want to boast about how you beat me this time"

"Yeah you're Right. But it was kinda fun"

"That it was"

Before the two could continue their conversation an announcement was made via the speakers at base


Right after the announcement was made the two boys ran to Laboratory 5. Upon Arrival Izuku (now know as Deku) instantaneously stepped into the group of kids and they soon formed 4 rows. After Hades arrived Deku stepped forwards and asked:

"What are we doing here, Sir?"

"Today all of you will receive your augmentations and implants. To push your body to the absolute limit of what they are capable of."

"Thank you, Sir!"

With that all the kids went into the lab and were then tied to operation tables in separate rooms. Even though they were sedated during the surgery of the implantations and modifications every single person woke up, passed out and woke up again multiple times which made everything not only a lot more painful but also more difficult.

After Deku woke up he felt like his body was on fire and dunked into acid at the same time. After calming down a bit he stood up from his bed and one thing instantly came to his mind: The smell of Blood. He looked around the room and once he located the source of the smell he immediately fell to his knees because what he saw broke him and many other kids.

He saw the people he trained with, the people he was friends with on a pile blood leaking out of them. After he came over the initial shock, he counted the bodies and quickly relaxed a little bit since there were only 30 bodies while being terrified at the same time. Which meant that some of his friends and comrades survived. He quickly stepped out of the room and found the other 8 survivors visibly disturbed and crying outside. He looked for his best friend Zero after finding him he hugged him and started comforting his other friends.

Time skip

POV Izuku is now 10

"Man, that was one hard mission glad we were able to get out of there"

"Same here Deku. To be honest I thought we were dead for sure"

They had just returned from a mission to locate and interrogate a Villain who was able to get out of prison due to his connections. They had to fight trough 58 Armed guards and extract said villain in just 20 minutes. After a rather brutal interrogation with Deku and Zero the villain gave them the information after which the executed him without second thought. Things like this became the norm for Deku and his new Family.

'I can't believe it has already been four years since I lost so many of my friends. At least nobody died since the incident four years ago.'

"Man, those augmentations sure are something. I mean sure we get treated like trash everyday but besides that life could be worse, don't you think Zero?"

"Yeah, they really are awesome I mean we are smarter, stronger, taller have better reflexes and are faster than most people. Even though we are so much better than all those standard soldiers we only get suicide missions and when we succeed, we don't get shit. But I must admit I like my life."

"Couldn't agtee more."
(Edit:  I have dyslexia and everyone that made fun of me for not writing a word correct: Fuck you too people. Makimg fun of dyslexic people. I hope you have a bad day)
-Author Person Dude
(Edit2: I have just realized that I spelt making wrong and I refuse to correct it so luve with it.)
-Author Person Dude

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