"So you played her" He stated with knowing, but angry, eyes.

"So I played her for my own benefit" Lin rolled her eyes, her heart at war with itself: one part knew that what she said was true and the other said that there had been at least some genuine feelings on her part. "Now can you move or do I need to tell you more of my so called 'trouble in paradise'?"

"Why? You looking to share?" Deadshot grinned but moved out of the way when Lin shot him another death glare and swung her knife at him. "Fine, fine, I'm sorry I asked."

"Let's just get this over with" She growled and rushed up the stairs, feeling the phone vibrate in her pocket. Her hands twitched with the need to see what Joker had sent her and a wide smile, one that she hadn't had on her face since the day she was taken grew on her face.

The group, excluding Harley, waited outside of the top floor that the elevator would stop on. Flag, Killer Croc and Deadshot stood in the front while Lin stayed a bit back so she could look at the message.

'I'm almost there', it said and she had to slap a hand over her mouth to suppress a ecstatic giggle from flying out of her mouth.

'Good. You've kept me waiting long enough :)', she texted back before shoving the phone back in her pocket before any of her team-members noticed anything. Lin's smile was still present on her face and her heart beat faster at the thought of her reuniting with Jay.

"Hey guys" Harley stepped out of the elevator and walked past all of the stunned squad members. Lin thought the woman would have bolted as soon as she got a chance to so it surprised her to see Harley still there and staring at them confused. "Come on. Let's go" Harley said as if it was obvious.

Lin scoffed and bumped her shoulder against Harley when she pushed past the other woman. "You abandoned me. Again", she whispered in the other woman's ear just before she got out of hearing range. The threat was unspoken but Harley heard it loud and clear.


"Flag this is such bullshit" Lin told the man when they walked in the broken room. Her hands shook with anticipation of the fight she could feel coming. "I bet 20 bucks it's Amanda we're saving"

"Shut up" He barked at her and then heard something. "Hold", he called out to them and raised a closed fist.

"I don't like this, Flag" Deadshot commented and Lin shot Flag a look as if 'I told you so'.

"See even Deadshot agrees with me" Lin snarked back at the 'leader' of their squad with a bitter grin on her face. "If no one says anything in the next two seconds you're all in on the bet. Only you're betting against me and I'm going to be a lot richer afterwards."

"I don't like it either" Was Flag's response to Deadshot, ignoring everything that Lin had said.

Deadshot reached down and then pulled on his white mask, making Harley smirk and roll her eyes. "Pussy" She told the man who never misses, hands on her bat and eyes staring at Lin, who in turn was looking out a window.

"I will knock your ass out. I do not care that you're a girl" Deadshot told the pale woman and fixed the extra features on his mask, a light ringing filled the tense air.

Lin turned back to the group when she heard the multitude of voices grumbling and speaking in a language she had never heard before. She recognised it from how the black blops of misery spoke earlier before she killed them in various ways. "Great. Those fuckers are back. Though the moon did tell me-"

"No one cares, Lin" Deadshot interrupted her, making Lin snarl at him and take a threatening step towards him just before the used-to-be-humans fell through the roof and started attacking them with savage groans, snarls and barks.

Gunfire filled the room, and flashes of bright light from the guns and exploding lights lit up the otherwise dark room. Lin cursed and pulled out her gun before firing at the blob closest to her. It rushed at her with its arms outstretched as if ready to grab her, but it fell to the ground after two shots to the head that she delivered without flinching. Lin reloaded her gun and kept shooting at every blob she could see that was running. Shooting one, two, three and then getting pushed to the ground by one that had sneaked up at her. They fell to the floor and her gun was forced from her hand by the weight that settled on it. The monster growled at her and clicked in that strange language before raising a shining, grey knife in the air. Lin stared at it with a hint of fear in her eyes before she slowly let her hand grab the knife she had strapped to her left thigh before pulling it out of its binds. She shifted her grip on it, all the while keeping a close eye on the blob that was just about to stab her in the face when she rolled to the side and forced her knife into the head of the blob underneath her. It flinched and struggled for a few seconds before Lin slashed the head open from within and dragged out the knife. It died with a faint screech and a 'mom'.

"Lin" A masculine voice called out to her and she saw that the squad had formed some kind of a circle around Flag, probably because he had almost gotten himself kidnapped by the blobs again.

She rushed towards them, shooting a few blobs coming their way and then placed herself besides Deadshot and Killer Croc. Lin reloaded her gun again and pulled out the other one, raising both of them before shooting wildly at their enemies, missing some and killing others.

"Let me fight!" Flag protested and pushed at them.

"You die, we die" Deadshot barked back as the group formed a tighter circle around the man that was their only chance at getting out of it alive. Lin snickered and shot one blob that was running at one of Flag's men that had yet to see the creature about to end his existence. The man nodded his thanks but Lin had already moved on.

"Everyone move out" Flag called out once all of the blobs were dead.

AN: So my dudes, a new cover, courtesy of my friend . Also the first chapter of the prequel is almost done so I'll publish it soon :) I'm sorry for those of you who ship Lin and Harley (me included) but I think I've showed since the first chapter that they're drifting apart and that Harley cares more for Lin than Lin does her. This however doesn't mean it always was like this, and the fall out and everything before that will be in the prequel ( Lucent). This is mostly a Joker x OC fic, as is the prequel but y'know what, just read the book and you'll see. 

Lovely {Suicide squad}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora