Shuichi smiled before he started peppering kisses all over Kokichi's face, making the smaller boy giggle and blush slightly.

"You're adorable." Shuichi said, looking at Kokichi like he was the entire world.

"Awh thank you Shumai~" Kokichi said, the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm never letting you go." Shuichi said before he pulled Kokichi into the tightest hug, not letting him go.

"Nishishi~ you're so adorable." Kokichi said, looking up at his detective.

"T-thanks, but that title is yours." Shuichi said, blushing.

"Damn I really hit the jackpot didn't I?" Kokichi asked. He was smiling, a genuine, happy smile. It made Shuichi happy, knowing he could make Kokichi so happy.

"Yeah, I have." Shuichi said, grinning. The boys stayed like that until they fell asleep, content in each other's arms.


Kokichi opened his eyes and was met with his boyfriend's sleeping face. Kokichi giggled before kissing Shuichi's face softly, trying to wake him up nicely. Shuichi's eyes started to flutter open and Kokichi kissed his boyfriend.

"Best way to wake up." Shuichi mumbled as he opened his eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead." Kokichi said, giggling. Shuichi smiled.

"Morning cutie." Shuichi said, making Kokichi blush slightly.

"Do we have to go breakfast? Couldn't we just stay here?" Kokichi mumbled. There was a knock at the door.

"Breakfast sidekick!" Kaito yelled at the door before he walked away.

"Apparently not." Shuichi said, chuckling as he got out of bed.

"Hnnghh." Kokichi groaned as he got out of bed and went to the window. "See ya Shuichi." Kokichi said before jumping out the window, making his way to his dorm. Shuichi chuckled before getting dressed and putting his hat on his head. He quickly made sure he had everything and made his way to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Morning Shuichi." Kaede said when he walked into the room.

"Morning Kaede." Shuichi replied sitting down.

"So I have to ask, why was Kokichi under your bed last night?" Kaede asked.

"I honestly have no idea, I didn't know he was there until he spoke to Miu." Shuichi lied.

"So the creep was hiding in your room?" Maki asked, her dislike for Kokichi being very obvious.

"He was probably just trying to prank Shuichi, you know what he's like." Kaede said.

"True." Maki muttered, going back to her food.

"The Ultimate Supreme Leader of evil has arrived!" Kokichi announced as he walked into the room. Kokichi took his seat at the head of the table.

"No you're just a clown." Maki hissed.

"You know Kokichi, you remind me a lot of the Joker." Tsumugi said.

"Oh really?" Kokichi asked, curious.

"Yeah. For instance, you wear clown masks, and the Joker has the appearance of a clown. He's also insane, and so are you. You also both play pranks and love to tease people." Tsumugi explained.

"Not to forget, you're both villains on the run." Keebo pointed out.

"Wait a minute." Kaede said, looking at Shuichi. Shuichi groaned, knowing where this was going.

"Does that make Shuichi Batman?" Kaede asked and Tsumugi shrieked.

"Yes! It's perfect!" Tsumugi said, her eyes lighting up in joy.

"Too bad batman had someone else." Maki said.

"Actually Maki, it was Joker that had someone else." Keebo pointed out.

"Aw, who's Kokichi's Harley?" Angie asked.

"Obviously Himiko." Kokichi said, before there was a shriek from the smaller girl.

"You'll never have precious Himiko!" Tenko yelled.

"Relax, I wouldn't want her anyway. I'm happy having my eyes on Batman over there~" Kokichi said, making Shuichi blush.

"You know, that would actually be interesting." Keebo said.

"Who's to say that wasn't how it was?" Kokichi said, eating a mouthful of his breakfast.

"Well for starters; Harley." Keebo said.

"Yeah, but if you think about it, the Joker didn't want her. Who's to say that he's not faking it and just using her?" Kokichi said, waving his fork around.

"That's a valid point." Kaede said.

"Even if Joker did like Harley, who's to say that Batman didn't like Joker?" Kokichi said, making Shuichi choke on his food.

"Doesn't catwoman like Batman or something?" Miu piped up.

"Catwoman can get fucked." Kokichi said, stabbing his pancakes with his fork.

"Oh, someone doesn't like competition." Tsumugi said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I love competition, I always win." Kokichi said. There was a shadow covering half of his face, creating a creepy aura.

"Who knew DC could turn Kokichi scary." Keebo said.

"Anyway!" Kokichi said, back to normal again.

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