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These abbreviations are used in the context of prescription drugs.

ABX - antibiotics

AC - before meals

Ad lib - at will, as desired

BID - bis in dies (twice a day)

CAP - capsule

GTT - drop-liquid measurement

i - 1

ii - 2

iii - 3

iv - 4

v - 5

MDD - maximum daily dose

NPO - nothing by mouth

OCP - oral contraceptive pill

OPV - oral polio vaccine

OTC - over the counter

PC - after meals

PCN - penicillin

PNV - prenatal vitamins

PO - per os (by mouth)

PRN - as needed

q2h - every 2 hours

q3h - every 3 hours

qam - every morning

qd - once a day

qh - once every hour

qhs - at bedtime

qid - four times a day

qod - every other day

qpm - every evening

RDI - recommended daily intake

Rx - prescription, treatment

SC/SQ - subcutaneous

TAB - tablet

TIW - three times a week

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