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" Why is it the one of us who wants to live the most, who deserve to live the most, dies?And the one that deserve to die, keep on living?"

I closed the book I am reading while the last line keep on lingering on my mind. As I stare outside of my window I get to realized the line is a question that even me failed to answer.

I love books, I love reading , its my escapade to this cruel world. When I read I forgot it all, as I enter  a new world, a dimension with full of beautiful things, far from the reality of life.

I get up from my bed and stand in front of the mirror, I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes. They say that our eyes don't lie, that our eyes is the window to our soul.

As i stare at myself , I saw someone with her messy hair, pale lips , and....her eyes.....there was this sadness in her eyes. The kind you sometimes see in those who....just wanted to Die, but life won't let her....

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