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I decided to be a little more presentable since we were going to their corporate office. If we ran into anyone of importance, like the owner, I wanted to leave a good first impression. Being Jimin's sister, I needed to look my best.

I didn't want to over do it though.

So I put on a sun dress, black all over with red flowers across the breast part. It had thin straps but not too low in the front, and reached all the way down to my knees. I put on a pair of red sandals that matched and put my hair up in a high pony tail after I ran a straightener through it.

I put on light make up, and decided to wear my glasses instead of contacts.

I grabbed my purse and walked out into the living room where I saw Jin was waiting for me, his eyes fixed on his phone.

"I'm sorry I took so long."

"You didn't." He replied, then looked up. "Wow. You look so cute!"

"Thank you." I smiled. "I just wanted to be sure to be some what presentable since we are going to Jimin's place of work. I don't want to be introduced as his sister looking like I just rolled out of bed."

He smirked and put his phone in his pocket. "Trust me you look great. Are you ready?"


He handed me a black mask and I put it on a she put a cap on and a mask of his own. "I'm sorry that we have to take a car. It's literally just a few blocks away but we have to be as careful as possible."

"It's okay." I replied.

Seeing all the people crowding around the entrance to their home was a little alarming. The people there had their phones out and kept asking who I was and if I was Jin's girlfriend. The body guards held on to my arm, softly but firmly until they helped me into the SUV. I kept quiet on the short ride, experiencing more of the same bombardment when we were trying to get into the studio building.

There was a huge sign at the top that read "Pe@ce" and once we were inside Jin spoke.

"Pe@ce is a small company but very influential right now. This is just one of three buildings that they own and this one is for our boys." He explained as I followed him through the building. He didn't even seem bothered by the crowd from outside. "UNITE is one of the more popular groups so they have their own building with basically their own crew. Hair, make up, stylists, everything. I have an office here too, same with Yoongi and Namjoon."

"This place is huge." I said looking around and taking off my mask. "I knew that they were popular but I never imagined this."

"It's humbling, that's for sure." Jin said taking his mask off. "I think I can hear the music at the end of the hall. That is one of Hoseok's favorite rooms to practice in. We technically have 5 studios for the guys to practice in, 4 standard size ones, and then a big one at the end. Hoseok favors the one across from it."

I nodded, continuing to follow him. The further down the hallway we got, the more I could hear the faint hum of music. Once we made it to the door, Jin looked through the small window before smiling at turning back to me.

"They wont be able to hear us when we walk in, since the music is so loud and they are so focused. But just stand with me by the door so they don't get distracted okay?"

"Okay." I smiled, bouncing on my toes a bit. I was so excited to see my Jiminie in action. I remember how beautifully he danced before and I wanted to see it again.

"Jin opened the door just enough for us both to squeeze in, letting it shut gently behind us.

My eyes went wide when I saw what I did, because my little mochi was not acting or dancing like the innocent little brother I knew. He was sweaty, and giving sexy eyes to the mirror, as he moved his body in small pops to each drop of the song. But my eyes quickly focused on the man dancing next to him.

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