Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Paralyzed with fear, nerves, sadness, and guilt. Her small frame clung tightly to itself as she sat, staring out onto the burned remains of her former home. Seeing Stormtroopers already swarming the area, looking for the Resistance. "Jade. Time to go." His natural voice rung out just before he placed the helmet on his head.

One final tear dropped as she stood, clutching the lightsaber in her right hand. Shaking, she walked over to stand beside Kylo. His gloved hand touched the small of her back, but she didn't bother to look at him. "Let's get this over with." Her voice was low, almost tired. Within seconds, the ramp lowered, revealing the bloody scene.

The Resistance was found, their fighters running around with blasters, shooting at the Stormtroopers. Kylo sprung into action, using the force when necessary and slicing into soldiers with his crimson blade. Jade, however, stood as still as a stone. Her eyes wide at the situation. Her heart beating too fast. It was almost like a bad dream.

It was only until she got grazed by a blaster shot on the arm did she snap out of it. Wincing in pain, she held her arm, looking to see where the shot came from. A man, standing in the once familiar woods, was aiming at her. Igniting her saber, she held it up just in time to block a shot. The blast was sent back to him, sending him flying through the trees.

Gasping for a moment, taking in what she had just done, she looked down at her weapon. She killed someone. Actually and truly killed someone. It was self defense. He was shooting at me. Another shot hurdled towards her, but she dodged it just in time. She saw another solider standing in front of her, his blaster held up towards her. This time, she ran at the man, kicking him in the stomach and knocking him down.

She held the hot blade to his throat as he looked up at her. "Don't make me do this..." Her voice sounded honest, wavering a bit from the overwhelming feeling of guilt. But the soldier spit up in her face, angrily growling at her. "First Order scum!" The memory from her vision came flying back at her.

"Where does your allegiance lie? Bring me to Jade Elysar."

"First Order scum!"

"...Kill them all."

Kill them all. Do it.

Without hesitation, she plunged her saber into the solider's chest. Hearing him gurgle out in pain, she held it in him for a moment. Eyes lit aflame, she gritted her teeth at the struggling man. "I'll do it. I'll kill you all." Releasing him from her blade, seeing his head slump to the side, she gazed out onto the battle.

Kylo was fighting off three soldiers at once, them attacking him from all angles. She darted over to him, reaching one of the soldiers, and dug her saber into his back. He screamed out in pain, which caused Kylo to stop for a moment to look at her. He had never seen her so enraged. Getting back into the fight, the two of them stood back to back as they fought off more soldiers coming their way.

After defeating the me surrounding them, Kylo finally stomped off towards another group of Stormtroopers being attacked. Jade, now covered in splatters of blood, turned towards a blaster shot being sounded in the woods. Her eyes narrowed as she ran off. Saber still lit at her side, just in case, she reached the edge of the woods.

Her heart felt strange, like it was sinking. It was a feeling she had never felt before. Looking from the spot she was standing, she realized this was the exact spot she watched the attack start on her planet weeks ago. Conflict brewed, guilt sunk in, but anger clouded it.

You are not scum. They are. You are strong. Powerful. These people are worth nothing. They ARE nothing!

The voice rung clear in her head, her face becoming expressionless. Void of emotion. She pressed on, one hand clenched on her saber and the other in a tight fist.

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