Chapter Twenty-Five

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Waking up to strong hands shaking her, Jade's eyes flung open at the sight of Kylo hovering over her. His helmet was on already, his stance seeming to be rigid and tense. "Wake up, our mission has been moved up. Be in the hangar in 30 minutes." Taking her tired eyes and small frame in for one last moment before turning to leave.

Jade swung her legs over the bed and rubbed her eyes, sleepily. This was her first mission and she didn't want to look bad in front of the higher ups. Summoning enough strength to stand, she flung on her training clothes and attached her cloak. She ran into the bathroom to quickly braid her hair, feeling the tightness against her scalp. A familiar feeling that she missed so much.

Once ready, she paced out of their quarters and down to the hangar. Passing by multiple Stormtroopers, who were lightly jogging in the same direction. Whatever changed, it must be serious.

Reaching the hangar, she walked up to Kylo and Hux, who were standing beside each other. Another person stood in front of the two, someone Jade had never met before. "Your troops need to be ready in 5 minutes, Captain Phasma. There must be no slip ups. All men must be ready for battle. When they reach the grounds, fire at will." The armor-clad Captain nodded at Hux before taking off to inform the troopers.

Kylo turned slightly, seeing Jade standing beside him. "Jade. Follow me."

As the two walked side-by-side, Jade looked around at the chaos ensuing. "What is going on? What happened?" A soft sigh escaped Kylo's mask as they pressed on, up the ramp of his ship.

"The Resistance has found sanctuary on a new base. They somehow found out of our plan. We need to go and take them out." Kylo seemed to be aiming towards something, his steps intentional. On the co-pilot's seat was a black hilt to a lightsaber, similar to the one she had used during training. He held it in his hand, turning to hand it to her. "You will use this when we arrive."

After handing it to her, he was about to go back down the ramp. She turned, still gripping onto the lightsaber. "Wait! Where are we going?"

A sudden sense of hesitation and tension in his body, the same rigidness coming back to him as he stood still. He didn't dare look at her when he said, "Takodana."

It had been a few minutes since Kylo broke the news to her. Her home planet. It had only been a few weeks since the attack happened but it felt like years since she had seen her home. Or what was left of it. Once he told her their destination, she slunk down into the co-pilot's seat, her mind wracking with thoughts.

Flooded with memories. Filled with nerves and rage. At home, she was fighting to keep her people safe against The First Order. Now she was fighting with them. It didn't feel right, but it was already too late.

Hearing engines start to roar around her, she quickly looked over her shoulder as Kylo stomped up the ramp. As it closed behind him, he sat in the pilot's seat, starting up their ship. As tightly as she could, she pulled her legs into her chest, needing the feeling of comfort.

Kylo tore off his helmet, giving him a better view of the sky as he was about to take off. He glanced over at her, seeing her shuddering from fear. Or nerves. He wasn't sure, but all he knew was she needed someone. His hesitant hand reached over to her, placing it on her knee. "It'll be all right." Giving her a small smile, even though she didn't return it, he began to drive the ship into the darkness.

Jumping into light speed, it only took a few minutes before they were approaching her planet. Jade's mouth was dry, eyes peeled as they flew into the atmosphere. What would her home look like now? The TIE fighter soared through the sky, approaching the shore where Maz's castle once stood.

Jade's eyes filled with tears as she looked upon it all. It was destroyed, all of it destroyed. She could see her home in the distance, barely standing. Overwhelmed with the memories, she sniffled and wiped her wet cheeks. Gripping onto her necklace, they landed gently onto the solid ground. Quickly, Kylo stood and stepped over to the ramp. "Jade..." He called to her, but she didn't move.

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