proper proposal

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(A) *places ring on desk*

(M) hello my princess

(A) marshall I though you were with the knights

(M) yes but I came up to see you for a bit

(A) well I'm about to shower then change for my fathers dance

(M) I'll hold onto the ring and keep it safe so you don't loose it at this ball

(A) alright

(M) *kisses Anastasia* see you down in the beautiful dress

(A) see you down

(M) *picks up ring*

(A) *walks to bathroom*

(M) *walks to kings area* your highness may I have a word with you

(J) what is it Marshall?

(M) I'd like to officially ask for your daughter's hand in marriage I know I didn't ask you before but I'd like to make her mine forever

(J) I accept you as a son since you were raised in this palace as one of us so yes you have my blessing

(M) I'd like to marry her before her coronation of becoming queen of zahir

(J) *hands ring* this was her mother's ring it shall be passed down to her as you propose

(M) I'd like to do it tonight at your ball

(J) you may

(M) thank you king

(J) your welcome make my daughter happy

(M) I will

*royal ball*

(J) everyone welcome kings and queens, princes and princesses from all around the world to our royal ball

(M) princess you ready?

(A) ready as I'll ever be

(M) *holds out arm* let's go

(A) *wraps arm around Marshall's* yeah

(J) may I please present my daughter princess Anastasia Rivera of zahir

(A) *walks down sairs*

(J) the man beside her is prince Marshall Jackson of Genovia

*people clapping*

(A) hello father

(J) how is my daughter?

(A) wonderful father

(J) your mother would be so proud of the women you have grown to be

(A) I wish mom was here father

(J) she is in our hearts sweet heart

(M) princess may I have this dance *bows and holds out hand*

(A) *holds Marshall's hand* you may

(M) *walks to dance floor*

(G1) isn't he the princesses royal knight?

(G2) I believe so but why isn't she dancing with a prince?

(G3) maybe no prince liked her *laughs*

(A) *looks to floor*

(M) ignore them because you are the only princess I love *twirls Anastasia*

(A) Marshall what are you doing?

(M) *bends down on one knee* Princess Anastasia Maria Rivera you have made me the happiest prince since day one I've loved each and every day with you princess and I want to spend the rest of my life with you *opens ring box*

(A) my mother's ring

(M) will you marry me Anastasia?

(A) yes I will

(M) *places ring on Anastasias left finger*

(A) *hugs Marshall tight*

*people cheering and clapping*

(M) your father gave me it to propose to you this is the happiest of days to do so

(A) indeed it is *kisses Marshall*

(J) welcome to the family Marshall

(M) thank you your highness

(J) you may call me father now

(A) thank you dad

Princess's love with her knight Where stories live. Discover now