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(M) princess Anastasia your father asks for you down in the dining hall

(A) yes Marshall I will be down in a minute

(M) alright princess see you down

(A) *gets dressed* damn it come unzipped, Marshall!

(M) *runs in* yes princess

(A) I'm stuck help me

(M) your seventeen and you still struggle with this all the time

(A) *laughing* I'm bad at it

(M) your about to be a princess in one year after your 18th birthday and yet you still can't get into dresses *unzips dress*

(A) it's because of these damb zippers

(M) *laughing* well here you are princess

(A) you know you can call me Anastasia like how you always did growing up even if your my knight

(M) alright Anastasia but I will call you princess around your father because he requests me to

(A) well that's alright thank you Marshall your always my hero

(M) it's my job to protect you Anastasia

(A) I know now help zip the back

(M) *zips back of dress* all set

(A) I'll head down to my father now

(M) alright I'll walk from behind


(A) father you requested for me

(J) yes my darling I have a talk I need to have with you about choices before becoming a queen

(A) father I made my own choices I can rule alone or with someone if I want to

(J) well your choices aren't going to happen because you will have to marry a man before your coronation

(A) father that can't happen I do not choose to marry a man I don't know

(J) you will you live in this palace you are becoming a queen so it's not your choice

(A) father a princess can rule for what she wants to no matter what the choices are because it's my choice

(J) your choices don't matter you shall marry a man no matter what anyone says now go to your room

(A) *runs to room*

(M) princess

Princess's love with her knight Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora