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* 2 months later*

(K) your Majesty their are some princes here your father has called for

(A) why did my father call for these princes?

(K) for you to marry one of them

(A) thank you kyle you may leave

(K) Marshall you'll have to be down soon

(M) I'll be down in a minute

(A) I can't believe my father would do this after he said I can choose you your my only choice I want to marry you no one else but you

(M) *places ring on finger* keep this on you and you'll always be mine

(A) I will always keep it on me

(M) they may think your engaged

(A) I'm fine with that now change into something royal

(M) like always I will princess

(A) wait for a minute Marshall

(M) what is it?

(A) call me Anastasia *kisses Marshall*

(M) *smiles* I will Anastasia

(A) now I will go down to see my father

(M) I'll go change see you down there Anastasia

(A) see you there Marshall *walks downstairs*

(J) Anastasia hurry down here immediately

(A) yes father

(J) I'd like you to meet some princes who I have picked that you may marry

(M) *walks in* your forgetting a prince your highness

(J) Marshall

(M) indeed I wouldn't miss a royal choosing done by princess Anastasia

(A) father I though you already let me choose

(J) well I chose these men for you here you have Henry prince of forkenstire

(H) nice to meet you princess

(J) carlos prince of broxten

(C) pleasure to meet you

(J) thomas prince of Romania

(T) nice to meet you my lady

(J) and marshall prince of Genovia but knight of zahir

(M) my princess

(A) father I've only had one choice and their will always be one choice of the man I want to marry

(J) raise your left hand and give these men a bow as you shake hands

(A) *places hand on henrys hand*

(H) *looks at Anastasias ring* your highness we cannot marry this women

(J) what are you talking about henry?

(H) it appears the princess is engaged to someone else

(J) Anastasia what is this man talking about?

(A) you said I had a choice and you go behind my back and bring these men from their castles all the way to zahir to marry me when I have a love I am an engaged lady father I shall not marry these men you chose

(H) she's right once a princess is engaged the king or queen cannot separate the proposal or marriage

(J) who are you engaged to Anastasia? Tell me!

(A) you see father only one man has had my heart for years and this one man shall be the man I marry making him prince of zahir

(J) daughter who are you engaged to?

(A) my knight in shining armor marshall prince of Genovia knight of zahir

(M) that is correct your highness she speaks the truth I am engaged to the princess I proposed to her

(J) this cannot be why didn't you tell me?

(A) you said I had to marry a prince as Marshall has been my only love I chose him as he picked me to be his princess now I shall marry prince Marshall by my coronation day

(J) I had no idea prince Marshall proposed

(M) I did your highness and I chose your daughter to be my princess

(A) it's my choice father he is the man I choose

(J) then you shall marry prince Marshall by coronation day

(A) yes father

Princess's love with her knight Where stories live. Discover now