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Onyx's POV
I woke with a start until I noticed the warm glow of candles and realized I wasn't wet anymore, I looked around for my armor only to find it pristine and without a scratch, I began to wonder if I just had a dream of falling off the cliff. I went to stand and had a bolt of pain shoot through my body where the Warlord stabbed me, I sighed realizing it did actually happen I stood and put on another tunic and slowly putting on my armor, I wrapped some fur around my face covering my nose and everything below it before I slid on my helmet feeling the snug warmth of it as I put on the rest of my armor and found my Sword and now clean shield. I took a step out of the tent as Mercy passed "Oh Onyx, you're up" I nodded to which Elizabeth asked "How're you feeling?" I lifted my hand and shook it side to side as she asked "Any reason why you aren't speaking?" I shook my head no as she sighed and spoke "Apollyon wanted to know when you woke up" I gave a nod before heading to the largest tent figuring that she'd be there.
As I walked through the camp I saw many of the soldiers giving me sidelong glances before whispering, I rolled my eyes as I passed before I lifted the flap to the tent and saw Apollyon and the other commander's at a table, they all looked up at the movement and many of them showed some form of relief Apollyon chief among them. I sat in the chair off in the corner and waited until I heard Apollyon "Dismissed, we'll continue this later" the Commander's all rushed to escape as I lazily looked over watching them leave. I heard Alis "Onyx.... I'm glad you're okay" I nodded stiffly to which she replied "I had your equipment repaired, and your wound taken care of" I nodded my appreciation to which she asked "You hate me, don't you?" I shrugged to which she spoke "I was worried you wouldn't pull through" I rolled my eyes which she noticed "What? What's so unbelievable about that?" I looked over and felt my throat scratch as I spoke "I wouldn't have had to pull through if you didn't throw me off a cliff, it's fine though you definitely proved me wrong" I stood and started walking to the flap as she whispered "It was an accident" I looked over "It doesn't matter, you made me work for 5 months to know your name, you threw me off a cliff, you constantly make things harder than they have to be and if you think a couple heartfelt words and small acts are going to change that. You're dead wrong. I'll do my duty as your second but do not for a second think we're still friends" I turned and stormed out of the flap before I looked to the northeast and decided I was going to blow off steam.
I rode until I reached the fortress we were supposed to reach in 2 days time and set about my mission, I made my way through the camp slaughtering Vikings until I ran into 3 Vikings, a Warlord, a Berserker and a Raider. I smiled under my fur before charging, I blocked an attack from the Raider before spinning and crashing my shield into the warlord before I spun again and crashed the edge of my shield into the berserker. I crouched and braced as the Raider wailed on my shield, I saw the Warlord running towards me as I took my sword and planted it firmly in his skull I used my sword to block the berserker's strikes as the Raider finally stopped slamming his axe into my shield. I kicked the Berserker in the chest knocking him into a support beam as he bounced into my strike before I spun and cut his leg, he threw an attack that I parried before I turned and grabbed his chest piece and threw him off the edge. I turned as the Raider picked me up and ran into a wall before firing his knee into my helmet before he spun and planted his Axe into my side, i grunted as I stood and crouched behind my shield as an Axe hit the front before I threw a quick side swing that cut his bicep.
I ducked as his axe flew just overhead, I tackled the Raider we tumbled and rolled as the momentum took us. I rolled and got to my feet as the Raider stood and looked at me, he spun and gripped the end of his axe's handle and threw the attack, I knew I wouldn't be able to block it so instead I dodged back hearing the wind as the axe sailed harmlessly past me before I ran forward and crashed my shield into the Raider before I jabbed with my sword getting some damage as the tip disappeared into the raider's chest. I quickly retracted it as the Raider threw a quick swipe that I struggled to react to, the jolt of his axe impacting my shield was starting to numb my arm, I needed to end this. I swiped at his stomach before I threw an uppercut with my shield into the raider's jaw before taking my sword and sliding it into his abdomen grinning when I heard the soft gasp as the air left his lungs, I sheathed my sword as I walked into the hall. I sat down and ate until I was bored and then I walked around the area looking at all the dead Vikings I started a large bonfire and sat on a log just waiting. A day later I heard Elizabeth next to me as I woke up "I see you were busy" I sat up before I spoke "they didn't give me much trouble, go tell Apollyon that it's clear. I don't much care to be around her right now" I heard her ask "Why?" I looked at her "So she didn't tell you?" Elizabeth looked confused before she spoke "No, I guess not" I spoke as I stared into the fire "Apollyon was the reason I fell off the cliff" Elizabeth gasped "no, there's no way.... she wouldn't of" I stood and walked over to her before leaning in "You better believe she did, she almost killed me" Elizabeth looked down "I'll go inform them it's clear, we'll meet back here"
       I waved her off as I continued to stare at the fire until a couple minutes later I heard the familiar shifting of armor, I looked up and saw Apollyon, Juliet, Holden, Elizabeth and Ademar walking towards me. I stood after I poked at the fire before speaking "Its done"  Apollyon nodded pleased "well done" I heard Holden "Is this where you've been since you left?" I nodded before motioning to the Hall "Food's in there" I saw Elizabeth glancing at Apollyon, she was thinking about asking her about what I told her. As I sat down I asked "So Apollyon, why didn't you tell them the truth about what happened to me?" Holden looked at Apollyon before back at me before asking her "What is he talking about?" She looked at them before trying to play ignorance "I don't know what you're-" I cut her off "Oh you know, how you were the one the caused me to go flying off the edge" Holden looked at Apollyon before Juliet asked "Master, is he telling the truth?" She sighed but nodded "I did cause him to fall, though it wasn't on purpose" I asked "why didn't you tell the men? It could've been so simple" Ademar shifted nervously as Holden asked "Why weren't we told?" Apollyon replied smoothly but I could hear the annoyance at being outed "I didn't think it was important why he went over, he needed treatment the reason could be stated another time" I laughed before standing up and walking off.
Apollyon called after me "Onyx, come here. We have much to discuss" I glanced back "I don't believe we do, everything has been laid out clearly" she spoke again firmly "No, it hasn't. Follow me" I rolled my eyes but turned and followed her into the fort commander's room. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, Apollyon sat on the table and took off her helmet her cheeks were a bit redder than normal as the cold air nipped at her cheeks "you know I didn't mean to knock you off the edge, right?" I nodded stiffly "Doesn't change the matter of my anger over it" she sighed before asking "How're you feeling?" I replied "Cold, annoyed" she looked down before looking at me "Did I actually destroy that storyline?" I looked at her and saw a different side of her. I walked forward and leaned on the window sill before sighing "I don't know Alis, being thrown off a cliff isn't something you can just forget" she nodded before sliding off the table and leaning on the windowsill next to me "I was horrified when you went over, I tried catching you but I was too slow" I spoke to the sky "I was horrified going over, it's not something I'd want to do again" she chuckled despite the intimate conversation "Well be on to the myre shortly" I nodded before turning and walking to the door "I'll get the men moving"

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