The Fortress

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Onyx's POV
     I slowly walked through the gates as I looked around, admiring the sheer size of the buildings Sparta had huge buildings but this is on another level. I heard the heavy gates behind us as they creaked with the might of giants, I looked forward and asked Apollyon "What is this place?" She replied knowingly "your new home, impressive isn't it?" I nodded dumbstruck until she spoke again "Your spear will need repairs, the blacksmith can do that for you" I shook my head no "I should retire the old thing, it's been through much in my years" Apollyon's head tilted, she's interested, "what will you use then? I didn't see any other weapons while you fought" I glanced at my father's blade "Maybe I'll use this, or I'll just commission a new spear" she nodded before speaking sternly "come, I want you at the meeting" I cocked an eyebrow beneath my helmet but offered no resistance.
     We walked through the hordes of soldiers as we climbed to the upper reaches of the fortress, I grew increasingly annoyed with seemingly endless amount of stairs. Almost as if Apollyon could sense my annoyance she spoke "The fortress was created with the idea that by the time a warrior reached the top to attack the guild master... they would be exhausted from the climb" I muttered to the gods "Anyone who creates this many steps should be sent to the Tartarus" Apollyon chuckled at my childlike curses as we continued up the mountain.
      Finally the floor leveled out as I looked forward and saw two heavy old oak doors, they looked ancient, as the two officers standing on either side of the door nodded to Apollyon and pulled the doors open. I noticed Apollyon grip the hilt of her sword causing me to tighten my grip on my shield and rest my hand on the hilt of my father's blade, I watched closely, scrutinizing Apollyon's movements for any hint of treachery as I heard a man's voice in the room "If the commanders of the Iron Legions knew about this—" it was as far as he got as Apollyon's blade emerged from his chest, before Apollyon shoved his body off her blade "Now we can speak freely" one of the wardens spoke "Now that's a relief" and Holden stepped forward "We're all you humble servants, Master, so. What is the real plan?" I perked up for this answer.
      She offered but one word "War." She spoke as she lifted the Officer's corpse "The natural state of our species. yet these.... monsters flee from it." She dropped his corpse "They're cowards, we must be brave for them" I sat in one of the chairs next to the table and removed my helmet letting my White hair show to the room like a lighthouse on a foggy night. Holden leaned on the table "We cannot hope to trigger war everywhere" I looked up "Why not?" Holden looked at me annoyed "We don't have the man power, we can't fight both the samurai and the Vikings at the same time" I shrugged as I spoke "sure you can, you're leaning on the answer" he looked at the table before speaking "Ah yes, the mightiest weapon of all.... a fuckin' table" I stood and shoved him out of the way and pointed at the map "The Vikings are across a small ocean from the Samurai, if they've got the energy to raid our lands for slim pickings. Turn them on the Samurai, show them the un claimed wonders of their lands. Give the Samurai a reason to fight us and you have your war" Holden sighed as he stood and I sat back in my new favorite chair.
       Apollyon nodded clearly pleased with the description "Well done Onyx, you've figured out our master plan." I leaned back as I spoke "As long as there's Vikings to kill, you have my interest" she nodded "they're our first target" I noticed the man standing in the corner looked entirely uncomfortable with the conversation, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he nervously looked around. I subconsciously kept tabs on the man as Apollyon explained what we had to take to accomplish our plan, I felt my new scar as Holden and Mercy removed their helmets and placed them on the table. I inspected their faces and started memorizing details, like how mercy had a faint scar running from her eyebrow down to her cheek bone.
      As the meeting came to an end, I watched as the nervous Warden scrambled to be the first one to leave, Holden stood next to my chair "You'll be at training tomorrow morning" I lazily looked over "I'm better than you, I'll be fine" he grumbled as he went to throw a punch "You insufferable r-" only to stop when Apollyon spoke "Holden, Onyx, Enough. Onyx you will be at training, Holden reign in your emotions" he slumped before straightening "Oh no, I have to get to my next class" I watched him run out of the room leaving only Apollyon and I "Interesting fellow that man" She looked up at me "must you antagonize him?" I nodded.
       She sighed before pulling off her helmet while muttering "can't breath with this thing on" I paid close attention as she looked up at me, A few golden strands of hair hung over her left eye, the sides of her hair braided into tight rows before feeding into the three main braids at the back of her head. Her cheeks were a rosy red while her skin was pale, my eyes traveled up to her eyes again staring at the bright, almost glowing, blue eyes that stared back her intrigue clearly present before she asked "Like what you see?" I nodded causing the red of her cheeks to become more vibrant as I chuckled before speaking "The Warden is making his escape tonight, I can almost guarantee it" she looked at the map with a nod "Daubeny?" I shrugged before speaking "if he was the one that was standing in that corner shaking like a child then yes" she nodded.
      I asked "want me to kill him?" she shook her head no "We have other things to attend to" I sighed as I leaned back. I looked at Apollyon who was busy looking at the war map before I asked "why do you have me here?" She looked up before asking "what do you mean? You're a member of the legion", I responded "I know that, I mean, why am I here? In this council's chambers talking like we're old friends, I was trying to kill you two hours ago" she rotated her shoulder that I had stabbed "Because I'm the only one in the legion that can beat you" I clenched my fist "pretty easily too, you were toying with me our entire fight" she chuckled softly before speaking "that's where you're wrong, You were putting me through the paces. Maybe if Holden hadn't of interfered you would've killed me like you did my Warden" I looked at her "how often do you get wounded?" She continued moving pieces around the map "All the time, much like you. I can see your vast collection of scars" I looked at my arms and felt my face.
     I mused to myself "I wonder what the Fates are planning" I heard Apollyon ask "what do you think they have planned?" I shrugged before speaking "maybe they're seeing how many Vikings I can skewer before making a mistake and paying for it" she looked at me "do you plan on dying while in service to my guild?" I shook my head no as I spoke "either I die in this campaign or I die in a few years time when I'm older and weaker" she looked at me "How old are you?" I cocked an eyebrow "what kind of indecent question is tha- 27, I'm 27" she nodded slowly before she looked to the painting on the wall of her in full armor "A year older than me" I asked interested "what's your real name? Apollyon is a demon, I want to know the woman under the mask" she gave me an odd look "why do you wish to know who I once was?" I pointed out "I figure having at least one trusted ally here is a good call, who better than the one the made me work for my hits" she shook her head but offered no answer.
      I prodded "so what is it? Mmhmm? An Amber maybe? Perhaps a Mary?" She spoke sternly "you aren't learning my past name" I laughed heartily "I will, just you wait" she sighed before staring daggers at me "how do you know? You could die at this very moment" I replied impassively "that's true about any moment" she spoke with annoyance "go get your gear taken care of, get a new shield and spear and then find Mercy, she'll bring you to your room." I stood and put my helmet on again and started walking to the door only to stop when I was shoulder to shoulder with her "Goodnight Marie" she groaned before motioning to the door "just go Onyx, I'll fetch a messenger if I need you again" I chuckled, I found my way to irritate her.
I made my way down to the lower levels until I found the blacksmith, he looked up when I came to a stop infront of him "What can I do for you?" I placed my shield on the counter as well as my spear "I need this repaired and the shield needs to be painted with Blackstone colors" he nodded before taking them and placing them on a bench "anything else?" I looked at my cloak "I need a cloak with the guild mark on it, preferably a black cloak" he nodded while looking over "Ill have it done by tomorrow morning" I replied as I turned "I'll see you tomorrow then" as I started walking around searching for mercy.
      13 minutes later I was tired of the search resulting in me snatching the arm of a passing soldier "Where is Mercy?" The soldier turned and pointed to the courtyard "in there Sir" I released his arm and started off to the area. I arrived and saw Mercy dodging and throwing quick heavy attacks against a dummy, I stood off to the side and watched as she shredded the dummy until the wood beam finally broke and the dummy slumped to the ground. I clapped teasingly "impressive moves against an unarmed adversary" she huffed while breathing heavily "I could do the same to you" I chuckled as I stood upright "I doubt that, anyway Apollyon told me to find you, said something about a room" Mercy sighed before motioning me to follow her.
     I chuckled as I turned as walked out behind the short woman, I hummed a tune as we moved until Mercy snapped "do you have to hum?" I spoke calmly "just something to pass the time" she sighed in annoyance "you're infuriating" I replied happily "good, I try to be" she looked back surprised "why? Why would you do that?" I spoke as I looked off at the setting sun "it's easier to learn who's a liar and who's telling the truth when they're pissed. Holden is a decent fellow despite his urge to rip my head off whenever I insult him. You're trying to hide your feelings but here we are, your feelings are on display" she glared at me before shaking her head and chuckling.
      I nodded at the laughter as she spoke "you're a lot smarter than you look" I feigned hurt as I spoke "well what do I look like?" She replied simply "a brute" I shook my head in amusement as we came to a stop. Mercy pointed at the door "this is your room, training is at dawn. If Apollyon needs you, a messenger will get you" I nodded as I opened the door "I know, I know, she's told me already" mercy simply shifted her weight to her back foot as she crossed her arms. I sighed "fine, you win, thank you for bringing me to my room" she grew a small smile and turned "I'm gonna tell Holden you're warming up to us" I yelled after her "You'll be lying!" Only to watch her disappear around the corner.

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