Just the beginning

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Onyx's POV
I smiled under my helmet as I turned and looked out at the destroyed fields of Ashfield, even after the cataclysm it was still beautiful in the dusk light. I was broken from my sightseeing when a gust of wind caused Daubeny's head to bounce off my greaves, I turned and walked towards the door to the war room nodding to the Captains as I walked past them and into the open door. Apollyon turned at the sound of creaking wood and metal scrapping stone, her eyes showed she was pleased I had arrived, as she asked "What of the traitor? Is he dealt with?" I reached into the sack and gripped his hair lifted it so she could see "I brought you his helmet too, figured you'd like a souvenir. The coins being put back in its place by Holden and a new recruit" she smiled.
It didn't creep me out like I've seen it do to some of the captains but it did peak my interest as I sat in my chair, the one immediately to the right of Apollyon's, she asked as she sat on the edge of the table next to my feet "Was I correct about Holden?" I nodded as I inspected her armor more closely, it's unusually tight fitting "He was going to let him walk since we were just there for our coin" she looked at the map behind her "I've received a request for aide from the Master of the Iron Legion, I was thinking of sending you to handle it" I asked intrigued "Are there vikings?" She nodded as she pointed out the Iron Legion's last strong hold "More than the Iron Legion can deal with" I stood and leaned on the edge of the table as I looked into her vibrant blue eyes "Oh Mary, I knew you loved me" her annoyance was as present as the sun in the morning "Stop calling me Mary" I replied quickly "then tell me your name" she sighed with annoyance "You aren't learning it" I shrugged "whatever you say Mary, anyway I need Mercy and the New Blood for this" Apollyon cocked an eyebrow.
She glanced at the map before asking "why? I didn't think you'd wish to share the slaughter" I looked over "I don't, I also don't want to die. If I die, I can't annoy you" she muttered "A shame, really. I can spare one, make your choice" I looked at the map again and stood straight "New blood, it's mostly wide open and mercy might get overwhelmed" she nodded before motioning to the door "meet them at the gate, I'll send a messenger to inform them of their new mission" I stood and asked "What's the real reason you're sending me?" She looked up "If we save them, they owe us. We can bring them into our guild and gain members for our war" I chuckled with a head shake "You're a genius, Mary" she rolled her  eyes before speaking "Go, we have little time" I started towards the door before turning and giving her one last glance before I walked back out through the door.
     I slowly made my way through the behemoth of a castle I now reside in until I reach the blacksmith, he looked at me "Ah my stingy friend returns, what can I do for you?" I chuckled as I placed my sword on the counter "I need this sharpened" he looked closely at the blade, inspecting the winding patterns of the steel until he gasped "this is Damascus" I nodded before speaking "That's what most Spartan weapons are made out of, we used to use bronze but discovered that while at war" he asked "do you know how to make it?" I nodded before leaning on the table "what will this information get me?" The Smith looked conflicted before he spoke "I'll sharpen your weapons for free" I nodded with a smile "good man, I've got the formula in my room. I'll give it to you after I get back from this order" he nodded happily before disappearing into the back with my sword.
     I leaned against the counter and watched members jogging around doing their daily duties until I heard the familiar sound of a sword sliding into its sheathe, I turned and saw my freshly sharpened blade before nodding my thanks to the smith "I'll be back shortly" he waved as I walked off. When I reached the gate I saw Juliet standing next to the wall in her new armor, I stood next to her before speaking "Beautiful isn't it?" She jumped at my voice "oh, yes, quite" I asked inquisitively "Any reason you're scared of me?" She spoke nervously "I just... I don't know, i think it's just that you killed Daubeny so quickly, so nonchalantly" I nodded with a shrug "Death is part of life, it's not anything special" she sighed at me words "So where are we going?" I pointed to the far off castle in the lowlands "The Iron Legion requests our help" she sighed but picked up her sword from it place lying against the wall.
      I motioned to the soldiers working the gates and watched as they disappeared and the gates started lifting, I stretched before gripping my spear and looking over "Let's go, we have to hurry" she nodded as we got on two of the horses and started riding at full speed along the path. We rode for a while quietly until Juliet asked "What are we doing once we get there?" I called back "Whatever the Legion's Master needs, Mary wants that guild. We save them, she gets it" she called back "Who's Mary?!" I replied with a chuckle "The guild Master, she's called Apollyon. I call her Mary to piss her off, if you want to survive call her Apollyon" she nodded as we settled back into  silence.
     When we finally arrived, I pushed the door open and spoke to Juliet "Listen to my orders and you'll make it" she nodded slightly scared as we walked through and I saw the shambles of the Iron Legion's army. I heard a voice above us "Blackstone! Where are our reinforcements!?" I looked up at the man and called "We're it!" He took as step back before shaking his head and resting his helmet on his forearm before he sighed and muttered something before looking to his left and speaking, he shifted his attention to us "Lead us out, Blackstone. Good luck." I took my spear and shield off my back and walked to the front of the small army as the gate dropped with a crash.
      Walked out slowly stopping infront of the horde of Vikings, I grew a maniacal smile as I suddenly burst forward and jumped plunging my spear into his chest and pinning him to the ground. I looked up as the Vikings subconsciously took a step back as I rushed forward and spun to my right crashing my shield into one of the Viking before flipping my spear so the tip pointed back and thrusting back feeling purchase before I spun and stabbed the viking I'd knocked over as the Legion rushed past me and began to fight with renewed vigor. I turned to the new blood "we need to push them back, we don't push them out of here We all die" she nodded before we turned and ran to the front. I came flying through the line and found a Viking leader, I smiled with a wide eyed look as I rushed forward and the Leader threw an overhead strike, I lifted my shield as I dodged forward feeling the resistance as his sword slid against my shield only to receive my spear through his foot as I rotated as delivered a kick to the side of his head. I spun to my right and swung my spear like a baseball back feeling it lodge in his chest before I shoved it up and forced the tip into the ground before I stepped on the Viking's chest forcing him down the shaft of the spear, I ripped it out and looked at the sky "Ahhhhh! I am the champion of Olympus! I will strike you with the rage of the gods!" I didn't wait for the army as I charged forward and crashed my shield into one of the closer Vikings, I shoved him back and into more of his allies before I shoved them off my shield watching as they hit the ground before I spun and used my momentum to cut their throats with one swing.
      I looked to my right and saw some Vikings on the bridge before I called "Juliet! Right flank!" She looked to the right and called back "I'm on it!" I looked forward and saw some Vikings heading to one of the spires, I looked to my right and saw Stone, the Iron Legion commander, I called "Stone!" He looked over as he finished a Viking "What?!" I yelled back "Keep this army moving forward! I'm securing your flank!" He didn't responded to me instead yelling "Men! To glory!" I chuckled as I ran toward the ladder only to have a small group of three Viking soldiers get infront of me. I growled as I ran forward jumping up as I stabbed the Viking to the left in the head while kicking the Viking furthest to the right in his chest before I finished rotating and crashed my shield into the arm of the Viking who stood in the middle, listening to the crack and screaming as his arm bent backward, I saw him look up terrified while he held his arm I spoke "Don't be scared, your friends will join you in a second" before I punched him to the ground relishing in the scream of pain as his bone exited his skin. I stabbed him in the heart as the third Viking started standing, I backed off for a second as he grabbed his shield and sword and ripped his body towards me, the nervousness was adorable as I mock charged him several times that he flinched at each time.
      Eventually I got bored and swung my spear from the right only to stop halfway and jab watching as my Damascus spear tip destroyed his wooden shield and plunged itself into his ribs, I ripped it out and started climbing the ladder to the location the Viking archers were firing. I smirked as I reached the top stabbing one archer with the tip before I planted the rear of the spear into the second they fell off my spear as the third archer turned his bow on me, i crouched behind my shield as it bounced off only for me to lift my spear and block the strike from the officer. I threw a kick into the shins of the officer causing his foot to come out from under him as I spun and jabbed causing my spear tip to implant itself into his shoulder, he gripped the spear as I released it and pulled out my sword before running it through his stomach, he gripped my shoulder as blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.
       I roughly shoved his corpse off my blade as I spun and crouched behind my shield as another arrow bounce harmlessly off the bronze, I slowly walked forward keeping myself behind my shield until I got close and swung upwards with my sword hitting the bow and watching it split in two as I moved my shield out of the way and delivered a strong kick to the center of his chest knocking him off the platform. I watched as he plummeted screaming until he impacted the ground, I suddenly had a chill run up my spine as I heard an enraged yell behind me, I instinctively spun and used my arm to brace my shield against the two impacts. I rolled past the enemy I have yet to actually look at and grabbed my spear before I spun and lifted my shield leveling my spear at my target which I now saw was a berserker.
      I gritted my teeth as a new wave of hatred flowed through my body, "malaká, I'll make you pay for what you did" the berserker looked confused for a second before she rushed me and spun, I used my shield and blocked the 4 hits before I gripped her chest plate and threw her into the wall behind me before I threw a heavy swing into her side gaining purchase as a wound appeared on the right of her chest, she rushed me and threw a heavy right attack before she feinted and threw a quicker attack from above I almost managed to block it but I hissed as I felt the top of her axe head tear down my right arm. I bashed my shield into her chest making her stumble as I spun to my left sweeping her legs out from under her as I did another spin and stopped my spear tip an inch from her neck. She rolled back before crouching, I wanted to end this, i jabbed towards her head to which she dodged forward and used her axe to guide my spear away from her only for her to knock my arms out of the way as she got ready to swing with both of her axes. I smirked as I gripped my knife on my waist before I flicked my arm up and watched my blade implant in her chest above her heart, she stumbled back holding the hilt before she looked at me and laughed before falling to the ground dead.
      I sighed and walked forward pulling my knife from her chest only to look down at the battlefield and see the army was nearing the final push. I jogged down the small bridge until I rejoined the army as they fought the Viking horde back, I stood infront of the men as I lifted my spear "Glory awaits just through those woods! Take it and all of Ashfeld will know your name!" The men started to fight harder as Stone called "I'm impressed Blackstone!" I chuckled until I saw a Valkyrie slowly stalking one man who got too far ahead, she bounded off the fallen tree and impaled the poor man before looking up and yelling "Stop!" The entire battlefield froze as Juliet rejoined standing next to me, the Valkyrie pointed at me as she spoke in her tongues, I grew an evil smile "I'm going to send her to Tartarus, Charon ready your ferry" Juliet looked confused as I stepped forward.
      I gripped my spear tightly before I took a couple quick steps forward and threw it at the Valkyrie, she ducked but gripped her hair as I saw on other braids was missing half of it. She narrowed her eyes at me as I pulled out my sword and smiled, she jogged forward before dashing to my right and jabbing her spear I managed to get my body out of the way but felt her spear cut the inside of my arm. I grunted as I locked her spears shaft in the crook of my elbow before I swung with my sword watching as she rotated around her spear and blocked with her shield, I chuckled as my sword embedded itself into her shield. I landed a kick on her chest causing her to take a few steps back until I shield charged and she dodged while thrusting with her spear, I laughed as the tip enter my shoulder, she looked unnerved as I grabbed her spear and lifted my sword and swinging it with all my might watching her spear's shaft shatter.
She took a couple steps back as she tried figuring out a way to escape only for me to pull out her spear tip from my shoulder and implant my sword in her gut, I was ending this now. I took a couple steps back before spinning and dragging my sword across her chest, then her spear tip, then my sword before I finished the fourth spin and implanted her spear tip deep into her chest just above her collarbone, I saw her weakly look up as she whispered to me "At the end of your journey, you join us in death" I recoiled in shock before I gritted my teeth in anger before I kicked her off my blade and turned with hatred aflame in my eyes as Stone stomped on a Viking hand and kill him with his mace. I walked forward and stood next to him with Juliet to my left, he looked over "Not bad Blackstone. Not bad at all, pretty sure I could've done it by myself, but-" he extended his hand to which I gripped his forearm as we nodded to each other before we turned and looked at the destroyed sanctuary. I looked over after a little "Why don't you join us? Our fortress is strong and well protected, we have room for more. My Master told me to invite you once we pulled you out" he nodded with a sigh "I'll tell the men to pack" I nodded as I turned to Juliet "Go fetch the horses" she nodded before walking off.
I stood next to Stone as he pulled together his meager army and shouted "Men! Go to your quarters, grab your belongings we're moving to the Blackstone Legion!" They all scrambled to run back into the Citadel and grab their belongings, I spoke to Stone "go grab what you need, I'll make sure the Vikings don't attack while we get ready to leave" he nodded and took three steps before looking back "Blackstone, thanks for saving us" I waved him off as I turned and looked at the Valkyrie's body with two thoughts on my mind "What did she mean?" And "Stone, I hope you're ready for what Apollyon asks you to do"

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