"Michael?" I heard her ask as I turned around slowly wishing that this wasn’t really happening

"H-hey," I smiled awkwardly as we made eye contact

Once I saw her, I couldn’t help but stare. I couldn’t really see her last night because of how dark it was, but god was she beautiful.

"You’re real?" I heard her question 


Jemma’s P.O.V.

Shit did I really just blurt that out loud?

"I-uh sorry I’m still a little foggy from last night, I couldn’t really tell if meeting you was a dream or not," I explained which made it even worse

You’re just digging an even bigger hole for yourself Jem, stop while you’re ahead, please. God please. 

"Oh really?" he cocked his eyebrow up trying to hide his smirk

"That’s not what I meant, don’t get any ideas red riding hood," I said making him laugh

"Red riding hood? That’s a new one," 

I’d like to thank my father for giving me this wittiness, it got me into trouble most of the time, but it worked. I don’t even know how I managed to come up with that nickname without even thinking or how I gained enough confidence to actually call him that without knowing him for more than 24 hours, but shout out to him for having a sense of humor. 

"Well thanks red," I smiled

But the corners of my mouth soon turned into a frown once I felt my stomach grumbling once again.

"I was just on my way to the market to pick up some food because I’m starving, so I’ll see you when I see you," I waved to him hoping to get food in me as soon as possible

"I- uh wait," He called out making me face him

"I was actually going to pick up some food too, the boys and I need to stock up," He said

"Oh, then we can go together I guess?" I suggested trying not to make things awkward

"That’d be cool," 

Michael’s P.O.V.

I was about to trail behind her when I heard my door open and Ashton poking his head through the crack

"What the hell Ash," 

"Shhhh take the car," He said holding his hand out to give me the keys and trying to act so sneaky about it

"What? Why?"

"You can’t be out in the open like that, paps will find you sooner or later," Ashton said as I groaned

For a second I actually forgot about that life, with her I forgot about that life. It was probably because she had no idea who I really was, which I find very confusing if I had to be honest. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the lads and I have done some pretty big things this past year, it’s kind of hard to miss us. 

"Uh who’s your friend there?" Jemma’s voice interjected in our conversation as my eyes shot up to look at her

She was at the end of the hall waiting for me as I looked down at Ashton for him to come up with what to say.

"Good luck mate," He said before closing the door

That fucktard.

"Just my roommate," I said nonchalantly as I caught up with her

"Let’s take my car," I offered once we stepped into the elevator

"How come? The store is only a few blocks away and LA traffic from that distance will take even longer than walking," 

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