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Wooyoung's vibes were all over the place that morning with his nerves riling up. He felt that something was coming but he wasn't sure what. He just hoped that he was wrong. The chances of that were low and he chose to not think about it, paying more attention to the vast sea in front of him. That's how he was able to catch a head sticking up from the calm waves. Normally he wouldn't be able to notice it if he didn't pay a close eye to his gut feeling, along with the commotion among the crew.

He notified the others as soon as the head submerged again. He didn't have a good feeling. He was proven right when the ship got destroyed and he fell in the water. He expected to be pulled around by the mermaids around him but only one dared to approach him. The mermaid helped him swim to safety, warning him to not trust the land to keep him safe but the high ground. She left before Wooyoung had a chance to thank her or ask her what's going on.

He kept her advice and after wandering around and not finding any of his members, he climbed up a tree. It wasn't big but it kept him hidden well if needed. Wooyoung stayed up there till he saw Mingi falling on the ground a few feet away from him. When Mingi warns him to run, he did. Judging from the scared look on his face, he knew it was bad. His joy that came with reunited with the other's was short-lived when the hooded figures came in sight.

When they caught Mingi, Wooyoung reached out for him out of instinct. Despite the numerous banters between them he had a soft spot for the red-haired, always making sure he is safe. When Yeosang saved him, he felt guilty that he had to stay behind. They have grown to be good friends from the moment they met, so it hurt Wooyoung to leave him behind like that.

It didn't help the fact that when he saw him again, he was a merman. He tried not to blame himself but the people that are after them. When Yunho explained the situation, he realized how twisted that Damien guy was. When their cover was blown, Wooyoung and the others got out first. Seonghwa, unfortunately, had changed back to his tail, despite the time it took for them to dry. Well, Wooyoung couldn't blame him for it.

They would wait for them and that's what they did. Until they saw their pursuers emerging from the trees. They had to run near the edge of the water so they wouldn't miss the two. Wooyoung couldn't afford to think that something happened to them as the minutes went by. Wooyoung almost screamed from his relief when he saw Seonghwa and Hongjoong a few feet away. They had almost run out of space. Yunho screamed their names, extending his hand, and Seonghwa was quick on taking it.

For a moment no one breathed. Wooyoung feels chills running all over his body, his view changing. He loses his footing a bit but Mingi is holding his hand, keeping him in place. His head feels fuzzy but the feeling soon fades. He looks around as the voices have stopped. They are back to the beach from where they started or so he thinks. Wooyoung thinks that he will never get used to teleportation. If they keep the ring that is. He has a feeling they will. He squints his eyes when he sees something a few meters away from them.

"Ship ahead!" He yells as he points it out to the rest that tries to shake the fuzzy feeling in their heads. Hongjoong helps Seonghwa into a sitting position since he won't be able to walk for a while.

"We should go investigate. I'm sure that by now we can take anyone on." Hongjoong speaks confidently and Wooyoung nods along with the rest. They don't have time to plan anything beforehand either way. Not without risking to be found by Damien. Mingi is the one carrying Seonghwa this time. He offered to do so and Wooyoung thinks he did that so that he can apology to him.

"Shut up Mingi. I will not accept your apologies if you say 'I'm sorry' once more." Seonghwa huffs, successfully stopping Mingi from apologizing again. Wooyoung can't help but smile at them because of Mingi's frown on his face. He knows that they will be okay and everything will be alright between them.

"I don't see anyone on board or around the ship." Wooyoung speaks after scanning the deck. There is a possibility that someone might be hiding below. As to why there are no guards, that can mean only one thing. Whoever owns that ship didn't expect that they will encounter any people. A thought crosses his mind.

"You don't think that this is Damien's right?" San asks him. He was always the best at knowing Wooyoung's thoughts. He nods and everyone grows tense. They carefully climb up but still, there is no sign of anyone. Wooyoung stays on deck guarding Seonghwa as the rest slip quietly inside. After a few minutes, they emerge and give them the okay. Everything was clear.

"Jongho, Mingi bring up the anchor. San, Yunho, and Yeosang handle the sails and the ropes. Wooyoung I need you up there to be our eyes. Seonghwa I want you to help me with your powers to move the ship away from the beach. Can you do that?" Hongjoong waves for the others to get into their positions while he goes up to the older. Wooyoung climbs the ropes quickly, tasting their grip here and there in case they are loose. They don't know the ship's condition after all.

Once his legs are planted firmly on the floorboards, he sweeps the area. The woods cover most of the space but he hopes he will be quick enough to catch any movement. He looks down at the rest of the members that are working silently. Hongjoong managed to help move Seonghwa near the edge of the ship. Wooyoung could see from up here how nervous the older is. It's only natural since they haven't mastered their powers yet. He can see how determined and concentrated he is though so he turns back on his task.

Wooyoung feels the ship jerk suddenly, after a few minutes. He grips the ropes around him as he stands in the middle of the mast for better balance. As the ship starts to slightly move away from the sand he sees some figures approaching the beach, fast.

"They are coming!" Wooyoung screams. Muffled curses are heard from below but he tries not to panic. Seonghwa's powers are not enough to break them free on time.

"Hongjoong I'll try something. Everyone hold on tight." Yunho yells and Wooyoung readjusts his grip. With a loud groan from the taller, the ship trembles and violently shifts from side to side when it's placed on the open waters in the middle of nowhere. It takes Wooyoung a few minutes to clear his head and focus his vision. He looks down and he sees Yunho on the floor struggling to keep his consciousness. He climbs down and helps move him to one of the rooms so he can rest.

Everyone then starts working at a slower pace. They are not being chased anymore. Seonghwa has changed back and he is dressed in some loose clothes they found. Yeosang too is more comfortable. They decide to rest after setting a course with Hongjoong insisting on keeping watch as they sleep. Wooyoung plans to follow his orders so he can join him quicker that way. He knows there is no use protesting when the captain gave his orders.

As everyone is ready to go down, San drops a bucket of water on Seonghwa. They've been teasing each other from a while ago and the older was winning. When Seonghwa hits the floor his eyes light up and he swipes his hand in San's direction, freezing his legs on the spot. Minus Yunho and Yeosang, who looks after him, everyone else stares at the two in shock. Seonghwa laughs and sticks his tongue out.

"That's cheating!" San complains as he tries to free his legs.

"You started it first!" Seonghwa shouts back at him as Jongho hoists him up. Mingi and Wooyoung move to help San while Hongjoong laughs from the steering wheel.

Wooyoung knows now that they will be fine. He can feel their bond growing, bringing them closer. Wooyoung smiles unconsciously as San keeps sulking. That's ATEEZ. No matter what the sea throws at them, the eight of them will be the winners and come out stronger.

-The End-

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