Chapter 22 - Are You Serious?

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you guys later, I gotta go do something." I told Topenga and Cory. They nodded, and I took off out the door. "Maya!" Topenga called after me. I stopped and turned back. "How are you so happy? She's dead!" Here we go. "I'm doing it. For her." "How?" Topenga asked quietly. I gave her a pity smile before walking in front of her. "She wouldn't want to see you like this." She sighed, then nodded. You're right. I'll see you later." She stepped back into the apartment and gently closed the door. I've never seen her like that. It's weirdo really. I know. She was my mother and I never once saw her cry, I sighed to myself before turning and starting down the stairs.

Ding! I pulled my phone from my pocket and read the text. Time to come home honey. I responded with a simple "k" and continued my way back home.

I jogged the remainder to the doorstep, then pulled open the door and stepped in. "We got an hour before we gotta leave, okay honey?" My mom said from the couch. "Gotcha."

I paced around my room, tearing it apart in the process. WHERE THE HELL IS MY SPEECH? Peaches. Chill. Just wing it, you'll be fine. "Mom?" I called out. "Have you seen me speech?" "No, I haven't!" she yelled back. "Damn it," I whispered to myself. I'll just write a new one. Peaches, you don't have to do all this. RILEY MATTHEWS. I am going to make a long-ass speech in you're honor. I huffed, then continued to search my room for that god-forsaken paper.


"Riley has been my best friend since middle school. I've spent every moment of my life following her around like a little puppy. It may not sound like a good life, but for me," Farkle paused, "it was good enough. I'll miss you, Riles," he said, stepping from the podium. The church was filled with sniffles, small claps after speeches, and tears. Farkle walked over and plopped down next to me, rubbing my back. Lucas gave me a pity smile and mouthed go. I waited for another family member to step up, but no one did. Here we go. You'll do great Peaches. I sighed quietly, then stood up and walked to the podium. I wiped a stray tear from my cheek before clearing my throat, drawing the attention of the service.

"I, uh," I started. I looked to my right to find Auggie is tears, and Cory on the brink of sobbing. Jesus fucking Christ, I can't do this. I can't. I felt a waterfall of tears flow down my face before I wiped them away and cleared my throat. "I've known Riley since 4th grade, and my life hadn't been the same since. She changed my life I wanna for the best. I found myself, both the good and bad. She helped me change into the girl you know today, not the broken little puppy I was." Farkle looked at me and nodded his head in approval, before gesturing for me to go on. I rocked back onto my heels and took a deep breath. "Just being with her made my heart speed up. She was perfect. Maybe that's why I fell for her." I heard a scoff from the crowd and a few whispers, but I ignored them. "When she told me she felt the same way, I couldn't believe it," I breathed. Someone towards the back of the church stood up and began walking out the door, and I knew instantly why. "Are you fucking serious?" I called out. "You're gonna leave her FUNERAL because she was gay?" The figure stopped, then turned around and returned to their seat. I huffed before continuing. "She was the sweetest person you'd ever meet. And me, a broken little nobody had the privilege to know her."

I concluded my speech with a small sniff before stepping down from the podium. I returned to my seat and the priest took my spot. "And this concludes the memorial of Riley Matthews. Please take all belongings when leaving, and we wish you all well."

"You did great Maya," Farkle whispered as he pulled me into a hug. Lucas walked over to us and joined as well, wrapping his lengthy arms around both of us. "I can't believe she's actually gone." I sniffed. "Me too." Lucas replied. We pulled apart, and began packing our things. You did great Peaches. Thanks Riles. I really miss you. I know. Just remember what I told you.  As I turned to pick up my phone, I noticed something in the casket. A paper? I stood cautiously and slowly made my way towards it. Despite trying to avoid it, I looked down at Riley's body and let out a sob. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder, and I turned to find Farkle at my side. A tear fell down his face and he sniffled before batting it away. I turned my attention back to the paper before slowly reaching over Riley and picking up the paper. 18205 North St, ME. Good Luck. I handed the note to Farkle before running my hands through my hair. "Son of a bitch," he growled. "What?" I asked. "Missy," he spat. "What?" Lucas snarled from behind us. "It's Missy," I said, rubbing my temple. "She's in Maine."
Ah I'm sorry this is really bad
Anyway, cliffhanger weeeeeeeeeeee
okay, I have a little story to tell y'all
So, I'm an incoming freshman, and I play French Horn. We got audition results back a few weeks ago. I MADE FIRST BAND SECOND CHAIR!!!!!!!!!! First chair is a junior, third is a senior, and I'm honestly scared lol
K bye :D

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