"How's everything with you?" I ask.

"Pretty good." He answers. Then he sighs. "Management has been making us go to the studio really late recently. I always hate it when they do that."

"That must suck." I say. "But the album is almost done right? Then you guys will have a break."

"Not really," he says, I frown. "We will have a week off and then we will go on tour, and while we are on tour we have to work on the next album."

"Really?" He nods. "How do you guys deal with that? You barely have anytime to yourselves."

He shrugs. "We just make time for the things and people we like." He looks me in the eye when he says it.

His tone makes me blush. He smiles, and I reach out to poke his dimple. Which just makes him smile even wider. "I love your dimples." I say softly.

"I love your cheek bones." He says in answer. I smile to myself, looking down.

Harry gasps. I look up and see what I was waiting for. A glowing galaxy is on the ceiling of the shop.

"That is amazing." Harry says. He looks at the ceiling in awe.

"Yeah." I look up as well. "It was here when we first bought the building. It turns on at 10 every night."

"Do you know what it is?" He looks back at me.

I shake my head. "No," I set my mug down next to me and lay down on my back.

Harry looks down at me. He is so beautiful. The light from the streetlamp outside is slightly illuminating his features. His eyes looking with curiosity and wonder. A slight smile on his parted lips. His hair, wild and curly, falling in front of his face on one side and tucked behind his ear on the other.

"Lay with me." I say.

He lies down next to me looking up at the ceiling. I can see the reflection of the lights in his eyes.

"How often do you stay late?" He asks in a hushed voice.

"Almost every night." I answer, turning my face away from the ceiling to see him already looking at me. "Sometimes I'll fall asleep here and El will wake me up when she comes to open up."


"Yeah, Eleanor, she's my best friend." I say.

"What's she like?" He sounds kind of jealous, it makes me want to laugh. He must have missed the 'I'm-only-into-guys' thing.

"She's incredibly sarcastic, we are super close." He frowns at this. "People always assume we are dating."

"Would you?"

"Would we what?" I ask confused my his question.

"Would you ever date her?"

"We are both too gay for each other." I say laughing and shaking my head. He seems to calm down when I say this.

"You're cute when you're jealous though." I say snuggling him lightly. He turns pink and looks away.

"Yeah, shut up." I just laugh and look up at the ceiling again.

We are silent for a little while. Both of us just thinking and enjoying the others presence. It's just now that I notice how close we are. Our arms and legs are touching, the back of my hand is brushing against his. I try not to think about it. If I do I will probably end up grabbing hold of it.

I look over at him, he seems deep in thought. I know I should be looking at the lights, but I can see them in his eyes and thats much more mesmerizing.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask quietly. He turn his face to look at me. I am caught in the vacuum of his gaze.

"I-" He starts but then stops himself, looking down away from my eyes.

I feel like something is wrong, I grab his hand lacing our fingers. He looks at our hands and then back up into my eyes. I run my thumb across the back of his hand in reassurance.

"It's alright baby, take your time."

He blushes before taking a deep shakes breath and tries again.

"I'm not really sure how to be myself." He says very slowly, picking each of his words with care.

"What do you mean baby?"

"It's just-" He cuts himself off sighing. He turns back too he is looking at the lights again. "I have been told who I am supposed to be for so long. Now that I don't want to do that anymore, I have no idea who I am. I have no idea who I want to be."

I look back at the ceiling, after he says this. Thinking of what I could say.

"Being yourself, is one of the hardest things you can be." I say finally. "And it's okay if you don't know who that is yet. You just need to do what makes you feel like yourself."

I hear him the a deep breath. "I'm scared to do that though. I'm scared to get it wrong."

"Get what wrong, love?" I try to look him in the eyes as I ask him this.

"Me." He turns back to look me in the eyes. "What if I think I know who I am and then realize I was wrong?"

"That's called growing, Hazza." I say quietly. "We all change. All we do throughout our lives is try to figure out who we are. There are some people who can just be themselves from the moment they are born. But there are other people who need more time to figure it out. And it doesn't stay the same forever. You are allowed to change."

He is quiet for a moment. Just looking into my eyes. He seems deep in thought. I was going through something similar to what he is a few years ago. I just wish had someone who understood completely, to tell me I was going to be okay.

"Thank you." He says after a few minutes of silence. "Thank you for saving me and thank you for being here for me."

"It's no problem baby." I reassure. "I like being around you, I like talking to you."

He smiles. Then shyly asks. "Can we stay here a little longer or do you need to go home now?"

"We can stay baby." I kiss his hair, I see him blush at the action. I don't comment on it just look up at the ceiling and smile to myself.


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@louis91 I love talking with you Hazza, you are strong enough remember that. 💙

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@harrystyles Thank you for being here when i need someone to talk to 💚

@niallhoran you guys are cute 💙💚

@liampayne where is that? @harrystyles you left the studio like an hour ago

@zayn @liampayne @harrystyles how could you get out of the city that fast?

@harrystyles @liampayne @zayn we are still in the city, just down the street. They are stars on the ceiling.

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