Chapter seventeen: Reunion

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Few hours had passed after the abduction of the squad, and the agency as well as the parents of Jordan were very worried that their son had been abducted. The agency told them that they were abducted by the Clone Lord and that they were doing their best to rescue them. The parents were very worried but they did not have authority, or even the resources to search for Jordan. All they could do was to wait and hope for the best.

Meanwhile, in the lair of the Clone Lord, the squad were in power dampening cells still unconscious after being knocked out by the Clone Lord. Jordan's eyes started to open a little. "They are finally awake," Copy Cat said. The Clone Lord turned to him and said, "Good." Jordan turned his head to the left and saw his friends captured and he said, "Where are we?" His friends told him that they had been captured by the Clone Lord.

Jordan saw the Clone Lord without his suit, or a mask walking towards him and he could have sworn that the face seemed familiar. The Clone Lord went to Jordan and said, "I have not properly introduced myself have I? My name is Ryan, and I am your Uncle. I know, you can see the spitting image of your Dad in me.  You might all be wondering how this might be. And I am going to tell you the story. When your Dad and I were kids, my parents wanted the best for us. They brought us up to be what they wanted us to be. They wanted us to be great. My brother, your father went off and became one of the greatest superheroes that ever lived. Unlike your Dad, I did not have that opportunity so I wanted to share my ideas with the world with the hope that I too might be someone great. But the world rejected me and saw my ideas as trash. All they could think about was superheroes. So I am given them what they want, beings with superpowers but I am doing it my way. I decided to embark on my course alone. That is why you all stand here today and all this is happening. I have always been in your Dad's shadow and now, the whole world would be in my shadow." Jordan stood speechless out of shock.

The Clone Lord then started to tell Jordan what he told Jason. That he was trying to help the world but Jordan did not fall for it. After the Clone Lord had finished telling Jordan all the things he had told Jason, he saw that Jordan was not giving in or allowing himself to be convinced by him so the Clone Lord revealed a machine to them and told them, "As you know already, I gave Copy Cat, Icicle, and Stretch their powers. You knew this when Jason infiltrated here the last time when he lacked enlightenment about the bright future I have in mind for this world. Now, it has been improved and there would no longer be side effects on people who use it thanks to the unique properties of this titanium device from Titanium Labs. So I am offering you the opportunity to join me or rot in this cell." The team still refused and Chris said, "What bright future do you have in store for this world? All you have done is hurt people and steal things."

Moments later, the Clone Lord left the room but Blaze was still in the room. He walked over to his friends and Jordan told him, "Can't you see, the Clone Lord is diabolical mad man with delusions of doing the right thing when all he is doing is terrorizing everybody. Please Jason listen to me." Jason ignored him though he still had mixed feelings about being with the Clone Lord.

The Clone Lord came back into the room and said, "It is time to test my adjustments to the machine." He used one of his minions for the job. He put the minion in line with the machine. He made the necessary settings and a few moments later he made the minion sit in the chair. When he attempted to use the machine on him, it did not work but rather killed him. When the minion died, Jason realized that the look on the Clone Lord showed that he did not care about what just happened. He showed no emotion at all, instead he ordered that the minion be disposed of immediately. The sight of that sickened Jason to his stomach. Jordan and the rest of the squad also stood in their cells shocked. Jason said, "You just murdered that guy." The Clone Lord replied, "Just an occupational hazard that happens once in a while, do not worry we would improve upon this machine in no time."

Blaze could not take it anymore, he immediately shot a blast at the Clone Lord. "What the heck are you doing?" the Clone Lord asked. Jason replied, "I am doing the right thing." After he said that, he freed his friends. Together, they destroyed the machine and Angela said, "Good to have you back Jace." "Good to be back," he replied with a wide grin on his face. They immediately escaped the facility and rushed to the agency. Luckily, Norton, Angela and Chris found their custom designed motorcycles. They used them to get there while Blaze flew and Swift used his super speed.

Immediately they entered Ray, turned and saw them all together and was extremely excited which was highly unlikely. The team reported everything and Ray with a small grin said, "Good work kids. Thanks to your effort, it is highly unlikely that the Clone Lord would be able to continue with his plan. And it's good to have you back, kid."

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