For a moment she was actually somewhat peaceful, even despite the way that Michelle was muttering to herself about Clare and about how her best friend had just lashed out at her, but that was interrupted too by James turning around. 

"Look, uh.. Birdie.." He began, but Michelle just couldn't keep her nose out for one moment. 

"Only her friends can call her Birdie, dickweed." The brunette spat, her eyes catching Robyn's for a second with a hint of regret, but she'd turned around in a second. 

Rolling his eyes, James continued. "Robyn, thank you for sticking up for me.. and, um, I'm sorry about the whole hand thing earlier I just-" 

"I know what you were trying to do, James. And I'm sorry for, well, slapping you. You just scared me and, y'know, I barely know you so..." She replied quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with him as best as she could. 

"Yeah, I get it. It was weird. Next time I'll ask before I grab your hand again. I-if I do!" His face was slightly calmer now, a small smile playing on the corner of his lips although he stumbled on his words at the end. 

Nodding, Robyn sent him a small smile as he turned back around. At the very least her worries about him had faded and she'd grown a tad bit calmer. 

Erin's footsteps could suddenly be heard rushing over to Orla as the pair began a tug-of-war match with the blonde girls' diary, quickly grabbing the attention of Sister Declan. 

"What's going on there, girls?" The older nun stood up, making her way over to them slowly. 

"She has my diary, sister, and she won't' give it back," Erin tried to defend herself, though it wasn't looking very good. 

"I'll take that." Sister Declan muttered as she snatched the diary from Orla, not handing it to Erin despite the fact she was holding her hand out. She simply instructed the girl to sit down, which she did begrudgingly. 

James then threw his hand up, his leg still bouncing. 

"Mr Maguire," The nun spoke with a sigh and overly bored look upon her face. Even though they'd only been in detention for about twenty minutes, he'd already asked about a toilet three times. "You have been warned, do not ask me again." 

"This is disgraceful, I should have access to a lavatory. What about my civil rights?" He cried, his whole body visibly tense. 

"We're in Derry, not America, nothing about this place is civil," Robyn muttered, quiet enough that she assumed Sister Declan wouldn't hear, but she was clearly mistaken. 

"Corner," She said, pointing to James who got up and stomped over to the corner by the window. "And Miss Duffy, other corner." 

Furrowing her eyebrows, Robyn stayed put for a second until the nun stomped her foot against the ground, causing her to flinch and quickly get up, rushing over with shaky steps. 

At the same time, Michelle was starring into her handheld mirror as she reapplied some of her lipstick, her favourite one that she seemed to carry basically everywhere with her. 

"And you! Give that here!" Sister Declan was quick to snatch it from Michelle's hands too and head back over to the desk, dropping the lipstick into her bag which caused each of the girls to look on in confusion. 

"Shouldn't you put that in the confiscated box, Sister?.." Robyn chimed in from the corner on the other side of the window but was soon told to be quiet by the nun. 

Sister Declan then picked up Erin's diary without hesitation, beginning to read it which caused both Michelle and Robyn to let out a small laugh between themselves. 

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