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                    ᠆᠆᠆᠆᠆᠆᠆ "Hi guys!" 

A collective groan came from the group, minus James, as everybody made their way into the main hall of the school. Jenny Joyce, the hyperactive prefect, had swiftly approached as if she was a tiger trying to strike down its prey. 

Everybody was already well aware that she was going to ask about what happened on the bus, especially Clare considering she had a look of pure fear spread across her face. 

"Could I just have a quick chat?" Jenny asked, looking over the group at all of their guilt-ridden features. Though, in classic Michelle fashion, she didn't look as if she gave a shit. 

It didn't take long for her to spot James out of the small crowd since he was the tallest out of all of them.

"You must be new. I'm Jenny," She held her hand out for him to shake, which he did politely. "Great hair. Very bold. I'd love to go that short, but, sure, I don't have the bone structure."

Rolling her eyes, Robyn quickly spoke up. "He's a boy, Jenny." 

"Oh, I see.." The girl seemed slightly stunned for a second as James stood awkwardly, his eyes shifting uncomfortably. "Anyhoo," 

"Anyhoo" Michelle mocked, her voice high pitched and nasally, causing Robyn to let out a small laugh. That in itself earned her a slight glare from the prefect, instantly shutting her up and causing her to return to her usual quiet state. 

Michelle couldn't help but notice that as she moved from resting her arm on Clare's shoulder to resting it on Robyn's after giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"This is a bit awkward, but part of my role as a prefect is welcoming the first-year students," Jenny spoke, though none of the girls other than Clare and Robyn were actually listening. "And it's come to my attention that there was some sort of an incident on the bus this morning." 

"There was no incident" The curly-haired brunette spoke up, her eyes shifting to Erin's quickly before looking back at the shorter brunette.

"Apparently, you guys threatened one of the new girls. Said you was going to beat her up!" Jenny dramatically emphasised the last few words, making Robyn roll her eyes once again.

Trying to take charge of the situation, Michelle stepped forwards. "That's lies!" She exclaimed.

"There were quite a few witnesses.." Jenny shot back, her tone much more serious now as she looked over all the girls one more time. 

"No I mean we said it.. but as a joke," She retorted, her words coming off matter-of-factly. "As in, 'we're gonna beat you up' but, like, in a jokey way." 

"Right, but the thing is, that's not actually funny is it... like, at all?" Jenny crossed her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow. 

It was now Clare's turn to try and make things better as she began talking about how 'humour is subjective' and that it 'isn't her place to judge what people laugh at', though that attempt failed miserably. 

"Ach, give it up Jenny. C'mon, like Birdie would let us say something like that!" Michelle tried to fight again, but it was just met with a knowing look from Jenny and pleading eyes from Robyn. 

"Anyway, now the wee girl claims that she's not bothered but.. reading between the lines-"

Erin took no hesitation in quickly interrupting the girl, "Why are you reading between the lines?!"

"I'm just not so sure that I believe her. I don't want to report you guys," Jenny began, but was quickly interrupted again but by Clare this time. 

𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐄 ; 𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚁𝚈 𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻𝚂Where stories live. Discover now