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Damu ni nzito kuliko maji
(Blood is thicker than water)



It had been like three days since I last texted her. I felt really crazy asking Lily if she's heard from her each passing day. All that Lily gave me was 'she's not been kidnapped relax' and 'she'll reach out, she's just in a hard place'.

I was trying so hard to understand what exactly was going on. The last time I saw her, she ditched me for her supposed best friend. She didn't reply me that night and on the next day. I decided to give her some space on Tuesday and Wednesday. By Thursday, I was officially running mad.

I gave her space because I understood that everyone has that one thing that they never talk about. That one thing that carries the heaviest load. That one thing that when and only when you get out of your chest, you'll be truly free. I wouldn't be the best advocate for encouraging people to talk keeping in mind that I'd been bottling up memories for almost eleven years. So I didn't quite know what was possibly giving me the hope to wait on a girl I've known for only two months. It was getting a bit disappointing since we'd made a couple of plans. We were to start reading the book of John together and share our insights.

Lily suggested that we'd start having bible studies every Friday evening with Raz. She talked me into hosting it mainly because she really wanted to see my apartment. I'd invited Mark and to my surprise, he was actually excited about it. She also promised me that Raz would show up.

My boring office work wasn't enough to chase away the fear I was developing of trusting the wrong person, again, like I always did. The weirdest part was that she'd gone MIA on her social media too. Not that I was staking her, but I loved the colourfully highlighted verses she'd post every morning. They were no longer there. She was never online all week long.

The normal me would have given up and resorted to living the locked up life I always did. That Thursday evening though, I'd had enough of this. There was just so much secrecy and mystery. I picked up my phone and called her. I only call Tanya and Mark. Tanya for obvious reasons and Mark for business but it was slowly growing more casual.

The other thing that was causing me unrest was the fact I hadn't spoken to Tanya for nearly the same period of time. I'd called her on Sunday to ask why she wasn't at the fundraiser. She said that she had to do something important with Alex so I let it go. There was still something in my gut telling me that something was off with her.

It better not be Alex stressing her out for so help me I'll-

"Hey," the sweet voice I'd gotten used to answered from the other end of the line.

"Strawberry, are you okay? Where did you disappear to?"

"I'm okay Taji,"

What happened to fat kid?

"Tell me the truth,"

"I am, really, just had a long week. I hear there's Bible study at yours tomorrow."

She's changing the subject.
Something is wrong for sure.

"Yeah, you coming?"

"I'll be there,"

"Then you can tell me what's going on okay?" I wasn't going to leave room for a negotiation.

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