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(Tenebris’s Point of View)


I yawned and awoke with a small smile on my face. I sat up from my bed and took in a deep breath of fresh air. I got up, fixed my hair quickly and made sure my makeup was perfect. I walked over to my mini fridge in the corner of the room and took out a bowl of strawberries and cherries. I kneeled down next to Lux’s bed and twirled my fingers in his hair, which was messed up and covering a bit of his face.

“Lux,” I whispered softly, “our dear sweet Lux, wake up.” Lux’s eyes opened slowly and he smiled sleepily at the sight of me.

“Good morning, Tenebris,” he said.

“We have brought you breakfast,” I said, placing the bowl of fruit on the table behind me. “We thought we could eat it together.” Lux chuckled and kissed my cheek.

“Tenebris, you are so thoughtful.” I smiled and blushed lightly. Lux and I had been in the Nether Region for almost a year, but it felt like only a second had gone by. Everyday was so blissful, I had never been so genuinely happy since I was very young. It was strange, but in the best way. Lux and I sat down on his couch and I rested my head on his shoulder. “Oh,” said Lux, “this breakfast looks yummy, but we have nothing to drink.” I giggled and raised my hand.

“We’ll take care of that.” A bottle of whiskey floated out of my mini fridge and into my hand. “Want some juice?” Lux bit his bottom lip in uncertainty.

“Tenebris, you know how I feel about you drinking...” I kissed his cheek.

“Don’t worry, Lux,” I replied, “We’ll only have a small sip.” Lux winced.

“That’s what you said last time...” I rolled my eyes.

“Why can’t you trust us?”

“Tenebris, no, it’s not like that.”

“Then how come when We want to do something we like, you second guess us?” Lux put his hand over mine and nuzzled my cheek with his nose.

“Tenebris, I worry about you, that’s why I don’t want you to drink. Please don’t overthink my actions into something bad.” I grunted.

“Fine!” The bottle of whiskey flew back into my mini fridge and the door slammed shut. I crossed my arms and scooched a little away from Lux.

“Tenebris, my love, please don’t be cross with me.” He put his hand on my shoulder and I teared up a little.

“It’s not fair. We never get to do what We want, always what you want!” A tiny sob escaped my mouth as I talked. Lux always told me what to do and I always had to do as he said. What gave him the right to tell me what to do?

“Tenebris,” he said sadly, “you’re getting upset over nothing. Please, can we just have a nice breakfast together like we always do?” I didn’t respond. “I’ll let you feed me.” Still nothing. Lux sighed.
“Okay, how about compromise? I put a little bit of whiskey in your tea, that way everybody wins.” I wiped my eyes and smiled a little. I turned around and hugged Lux tightly.

“Thank you, love.” I said, nuzzling his neck affectionately. Lux half-smiled and patted my back gently.

“Anything for you, Tenebris.” I smirked and placed a cherry in his mouth. Lux chuckled as he chewed on the cherry and fed me a strawberry. “I have something for you,” he said, his mouth still full.

“What is it?” I said, chewing. Lux stood up and walked to his bookshelf. He scanned the rows of his leather covered books, then smiled as he found the right one. He pulled out a box that was wrapped in gold paper with a red lace bow. He sat next to me on the couch and handed me the present with a bright smile.

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