Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

(Lux’s Point of View)


My eyes slowly opened and all I could see was a bright light. I gasped and sat up. I looked around me and saw that I was in a white infirmary room. My head was hurting really bad, which I knew was because I hit it hard against the ground when Tenebris knocked me down. My eyes widened.

“Tenebris!” I thought. “What happened to him? What if he’s hurt? Or worse?!” I pulled the I.V.’s out of my arms as quickly as I could, hopped out of the hospital bed, and hurried to the door. I opened it and bumped into a young nurse who was coming in.

“Oh my gosh,” I said as I helped the nurse up, “I am so sorry! I am such a clutz. Are you alright?” The nurse nodded her head and blushed as she rose to her feet.

“I’m fine, thank you,” she said, brushing her blond hair behind her ears. “But you shouldn’t be out of bed. You have a bad concussion!” I chuckled.

“What? No, I’m fine.” I went to walk ahead, but I suddenly felt very dizzy and stumbled a bit.

“You see?” Said the nurse as she came to my aid. “You’re still suffering symptoms. You need bedrest.” I waited until the room stopped spinning, then I spoke.

“I’m okay, really. I can’t stay here. I have to know what happened to a friend of mine at the festival after I was knocked out.”

“Oh dear,” said the nurse with concern, “I hope your friend isn’t here. We had to take in so many villagers to help them with their injuries.” I gasped.

“P-People were hurt?” She nodded.

“Unfortunately so. Most of them are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, though. We can help them, but it’ll take a while.” I looked down with guilt.

“This is all my fault...” I thought.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” I looked at the nurse, who looked partially confused.

“Yes,” I said, “do you know what happened to Elder Caelum?”

“Elder Caelum has been branded a traitor by the Solem Council. His sentencing is scheduled to be this afternoon, along with that of the Nocte monster.” My eyes widened in fear.

“Do you know where they are now?” The nurse shrugged.

“I don’t know,” she said, “probably in the castle dungeon. That’s where I would put them. The damage that creature has caused to these poor innocent people, and then that councilmen has the nerve to betray to his own people! It’s tragic..” I bit my bottom lip.

“Yeah, tragic...Anyway, thank you for help, miss. Bye!” I heard the nurse shouting for me to wait behind me, but I couldn’t stay there. I had to get to Tenebris and to Elder Caelum before something terrible happened to them. I just couldn’t live with myself if they had to suffer because of my actions...

I left the infirmary as quickly as possible, stopping every now and then so I wouldn’t get dizzy. I made sure to be as stealthy as I could be as well, to prevent anyone from stopping me. After a few minutes of wandering the castle, I found the entrance to the dungeon. It was guarded by two very large Solem men. They had on solid gold armor and carried spears in their hands. I gulped.

“How am I ever gonna get past them?” I thought nervously. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in my mind. “What am I saying? I’m the son of the high councilwoman! They can’t do anything to me!” I took a deep breath and stood up tall and straight. “Act like Tenebris, Lux.” I said to myself. “Be firm and intimidating.” In reality, I was about as intimidating as a kitten, but I had to seem intimidating in order for them to let me pass. I strutted up to the guards and cleared my throat. They reacted quickly, pointing their spears at me in a flash. I was scared, but I tried my best not to show it.

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