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Long ago, on the evening of October 31st, two dark powerful beings called Luna and Spíritus, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The parents were so thrilled, they celebrated by making stars fall from the sky, for both Luna and Spíritus had special powers to do so. Luna had the power to move and change the shape of the moon and stars, and Spíritus could control the shadows, storms, and cold night breeze. Everyone knew of them and the important job they had. Together, they made each and every night by hand. They named their son Tenebris, after his dark hair that resembled their beautiful night skies. His skin was as white as a full moon, but the child’s eyes were a radiant yellow.

“Our child will possess great power,” said Spíritus as he caressed his sleeping son’s hair. “I can feel it in his aura. What if it’s too much for us to handle?” Luna chuckled softly and kissed her husband’s cheek.

“All children are handfuls,” she replied as she slowly rocked Tenebris in her arms. “We’ll make the best of it, I know we will. We will teach him everything we know, so that someday he can take our place as creators of the night.” Luna softly kissed Tenebris on his forehead, causing the baby to smile in his sleep. Spíritus smiled as he watched Luna gently lower Tenebris into his crib.

“He’s as beautiful as you are,” He said. Luna smiled and bashfully twirled her index finger in her long, wavy,  midnight blue colored hair.

“He has your eyes,” she replied. Spíritus laughed softly as he wrapped his arm around his wife, who then proceeded to rest her head on his shoulder. “Look at us,” Luna said, “a happy family of the night.”

“And we’ll always be together,” replied Spíritus, “No matter what happens.” Luna smiled as Spíritus pulled her into a loving kiss. However, little did they know that their family of the night, wouldn’t stay together for much longer...


3 years later, on a cold December morning, Luna and Spíritus met with the Solem people, the creators of the day, to arrange a special eclipse to celebrate their anniversary. After a surprisingly short deliberation, the leader of the Solem people, a brown-haired and blue-eyed women named Clara, said,

“You may do what you request, creatures of the night, but know this. If you do cover our lovely day with your dark moon, you must accept every consequence that comes with it.” Unaware of what Clara meant, Luna and Spíritus simply disregarded it and continued with their plan. At noon on the same day, Luna raised her moon, blocking out the sun. Spíritus watched his wife in amazement and Tenebris giggled and clapped at the sight of his mother. However, the townspeople were frightened and disturbed by the eclipse.

“The moon should not rise during the day!” Cried the villagers, “What is going on?!” The townspeople frenzied in fear, until a voice cried, ““The Nocte have turned evil! They wish to take over the day! We must stop them!” Upon hearing this, the townspeople rallied together to form an angry mob. Unaware of the townspeople’s rage, Luna, Spíritus, and Tenebris celebrated on a small hill that gave them a perfect view of the eclipse. As his mother and father drank and chat, Tenebris wandered off down the hill in pursuit of a mockingbird. It sang notes to him, and he, being the talented child that he was, sang back. Tenebris giggled as the bird landed on a boulder in front of him. He focused his yellow eyes on the bird, ready to strike, but just as he was about to, the bird flew away in fear. Tenebris gasped as he realized what it was that scared the mockingbird. The angry mob of villagers, shouting in rage with pitchforks and torches, were approaching fast. Tenebris began to run, but became mesmerized by something he had not yet seen up close; flame. The way it flickered and moved called to him. Tenebris moved closer to the mob, ambitious to touch the top of the torches.

“There’s one!” Cried a townsman, “It’s trying to hurt us!” Tenebris smiled innocently at the townspeople. Assuming they wanted to play with him, Tenebris giggled as he ran closer to the mob. Finally hearing the loud shouting of the mob, Luna and Spíritus turned their heads and spied their son heading towards a wall of pitchforks and flame. Immediately, the couple sprinted as fast as they could towards Tenebris, who was now frozen in awe by the incoming flame. Before he could reach his son, Spíritus was attacked and restrained by a group of townsmen.

“Tenebris!” He cried, “Back away!” But Tenebris remained awestruck as the townspeople swung their torches at him. Tenebris reached out his hand and let the flames touch the tip of his fingers. At first he felt nothing, but then he winced in pain.

“Owie!” He yelled, “It hurts!” The townspeople laughed as they surrounded the poor child, preventing him from escaping.

“Now we got you, you evil beast!” The townspeople were inches away from the cowering Tenebris, who whimpered as they came closer. The leader of the mob stood about a foot away from Tenebris, readied his pitchfork and stabbed forward. Tenebris, with his eyes shut, winced in terror, but he did not feel any pain. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his mother standing in front of him, a bloody pitchfork sticking out of her back. Tenebris trembled in horror as his mother collapsed to the ground.

“Mommy!” He shrieked, breaking the glass of nearby buildings. The townspeople gasped in shock. Tenebris looked up at the townspeople, who reached for Luna’s body. “No!” Shrieked Tenebris, shaking the ground, “Leave us alone!” A crack in the ground surrounded Tenebris and his parents, preventing anyone from coming close.

“He’s a demon! A nightmare! He’ll kill us all!” The townspeople fled in terror, leaving Tenebris with his motionless parents. He slowly approached his mother and nudged her gently on the arm.

“M-Mommy,” he said, with tearful eyes, “mommy, wake up. I wanna go home.” Luna didn’t move. “D-Daddy?” Tenebris nudged his father’s bruised arm. “Daddy, wake up mommy so we can go home.” Tenebris called for his parents all night, but they never awoke...from that day on, Tenebris taught himself to do the jobs of both his mother and his father. He was given the name, “Nightmare Night” by the townspeople, who lived in fear that someday, he would enact his revenge for the murder of his parents.

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