Epilogue (Pt. 1): These Are The Days Of Our Lives

Start from the beginning

"If I don't eat what I can, then Mister Garbage Disposal here is going to swallow all of it up," Yebin chimed, shooting a snarky glance at the Irish boy in front of her. As if to further prove her point, his cheeks were absolutely stuffed.

Mikey forcefully gulped down his food before shooting back at her, "Okay, Yebin, I see that you feel clearly inferior to me. Not only in guitar playing, but also in eating!"

"Can you two chill?" Diane huffed from Mikey's right side. Her glare was intense between the two guitarists. "Do we need to remind you two of the night you tried to do a hot dog eating contest and you both ended up puking by the end of the night?"

"I'll have you all know, Mikey puked first," Yebin stated triumphantly.

"It barely matters! You puked a millisecond after me."

"Guys, can we not talk about puke while eating? Thanks," Zach interjected with a low tone, waving his chopsticks between the two. As Yebin and Mikey made eye contact, they bared silly smiles before going back into indulging on the meat.

"Miss Park!" Yebin craned her head and glanced down at the opposite end of the table where the sound crew sat. Kel was the one calling for her. "After today, you're going to be flying back to Korea, right?"

Her heart fluttered. It hasn't quite hit her yet.

"That's right!" Yebin replied with an uncontrollable smile to her lips. "For a new project!"

"We all wish you on your next adventure then!" Kel chided, holding up his glass of beer to her. "Cheers to the future success of The Narcotics' next album and to Yebin Park's project. We will all be looking forward to what you will help bring to life!"

"Cheers!" Yebin picked up her shot glass of soju and clanked it with her bandmates'. All of her friends shook her shoulders and burst out more encouraging words for her next endeavor.

It had been a crazy few years.

When she returned back to New York, she had a lot of work in her hands. While it was a long and grueling process to be accepted, she did manage to get into the same university as her friends. While at school, it had been too obvious with her tenacity that she would become a music major. Yebin worked tenfold to learn all she can so she can fulfill her future dreams of making music. And during this, it just became so natural that Yebin became a part of the Narcotics officially. Yebin fit so well with the bands synergy, it would only be a crime if she didn't play along with them.

Besides being a student, she had become a working musician with her friends.

They began with playing at small gigs at bars and school events, but eventually they grew to perform on bigger stages and for bigger events.

It lead them to a contract to a small music company, Nyx Records, who were more than supportive to them. They finally created their first album with the company, and had gained them even more traction than before. Of course, they couldn't compare to anyone in the top 50 of iTunes or whatever, but their fan base was solid and it gradually grew more as time passed.

While they were achieving their dreams, it hasn't been a flowery road.

Yebin would sometimes only get a couple hours of sleep for weeks, while school, music, and her side jobs kept her occupied. She became a teacher for guitar playing for a few months to help herself financially...

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