Chapter 2: Chaos ensues

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The first week following the "transformation" was filled with awkwardness and well, issues. 

Harry had to cope with brushing his (or her?) amplified bed head each morning as the glamour charms proved to be useless against her unruly hair. 

Ron was whining as he had been banned from playing quidditch. "Bloody hell Harry-iet, I can't see how they let YOU play but not me! Come one mate, I'm also part of the Golden Trio! I deserve to play quidditch!". 

Draco on the other hand, had to deal with the lingering stares and leers of the other students in the school, particularly the older males. It was only the first week, yet he (gah, the male and female pronouns! Which one should I use?) had gotten seven detentions for hexing seven different students, all for the same reason, staring at her of course. "Beauty is pain.", she had drawled when Pansy (Pierre) had confronted her about the detentions.


The second week however, gave Harry quite a fright. She supposed she should have seen this coming but honestly, she was too worried about the state of her hair to even think about it. What was the problem exactly? Well, to be frank, it was two words. Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter was possibly the most nosy reporter anyone had ever met. Her articles were all written by her Quick-Quotes Quill, though quite the contrary, they rarely wrote the actual quote. Skeeter was a woman capable of destroying anyone with words. Now you might be wondering, hadn't Hermione discovered Rita's animagus form, a beetle? Well, the Ministry of Magic had gotten hold of that but since she was so good at finding dirt about everyone, they simple registered her and let her go with a warning. 

News of the gender-swap spread far and wide and Rita was particularly eager to write her new article. She could already imagine her article plastered on the front page of the Daily Prophet. "Harry Potter's Misadventures! The Golden Girl's Woman Issues! Will the Chosen be able to DEFEAT He Who Must Not Be Named as a FEMALE?!" (Rita Skeeter obviously did not know that Harry's time a a woman was limited. After all, all she had heard were rumours.)

So she decided to pop over to Hogwarts for an impromptu meeting with the mighty Harriet Potter. 


Harry was in Transfiguration class with Professor McGonagall when Skeeter arrived. She was about to attempt at turning a Gryffindor banner into a Slytherin banner (This was McGonagall's way of trying to stop house rivalry) when the reporter came strutting into the room. How no one had stopped her, Harry would never know. "So Harry Potter! It is true! I cannot wait to have a HEARTFELT interview with you and you new feminine life!" Harriet, Ronda and Hermes exchanged anxious looks. What did Skeeter plan to do now? Just as Harry was about to open her mouth Rita interrupted again with her big mouth. "Oh Minerva McGonagall! Hasn't it been such a long time since we last saw eachother? I hope you don't mind be borrowing Harry over here for a quick minute!" Before the shocked professor could react, Harriet was swiftly plucked from her seat and whisked outside...into a broom closet. 

"So Harry Potter, how are you coping with the new world of womanhood?", Rita gushed. 

"Well,'s quite alright actually. Not quite different to a male's life really."

The Quick-Quotes Quill scribbled over the piece of parchment Skeeter was holding and here is what it had written so far...

Fashionable reporter Rita Skeeter has an engaging interview with the recently turned female Harry Potter. 

Recently, rumours has spread about all the sixth year Gryffindors and Slytherins being affected by a gender-reversing potion in a previous potion class. The reporter decided to interview the Chosen One to confirm the rumours. Upon realising that indeed, the Golden Boy was now the Golden Girl, Rita Skeeter decided to have a "Girl to Girl" conversation about the issues that Harry Potter was now facing.\

Rita Skeeter:  So Harry Potter, how are you coping with the new world of womanhood?

Harry Potter: Well you see, I have faced numerous issues now as a woman.

Tears start to form in her eyes as The Saviour recounts her most recent problems she has had to face.

Harry Potter: Each day, I seem to be unable to function, it's so hard being a woman!

Harry inwardly cringed.

Being a women was so distessing.

Suddenly, out of nowhere there was a horrified shriek.



Harriet and Rita Skeeter poked their heads out the broom closet and gasped...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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