Insult to Injury

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Normally, you'd never be here this late. You'd come in on days the store was closed and fix any minor damage the animatronics would have sustained over the week.

But this is not normal.

The night guard had been tampering with the robots (according to your boss) and had gotten himself injured. He was found in the morning by the opening staff, barely alive.

The company was trying to find someone to take a temporary night guard job until this got sorted out, but no one would take the job. Finally, with one last desperate plea, you were asked to fill the spot temporarily. You were offered good pay for working the hours, and it would make the public feel better if someone experienced was watching the bots.

So you accepted. The closing staff handed you the keys and left, leaving you alone in the empty pizzeria. With a sigh, you lock the door and put the keys in your pocket.

The feeling was strange, being alone in a place normally bustling with activity. No shrieking laughter of children, no dinging of the arcade games, no music, no lights.

Just quiet.

You adjust your tool bag on your shoulder and head to the maintenance room.

. . . . .

The room is quiet as well. You flick on the light and hear the hum of the fluorescents. The room is just how you'd left it, down to the two screws you left on top of a spare parts bin.

Yep. This, you can handle.

You take all the tools you need to the stage and set them down next to toy Freddy. You click off his chestplate and set it carefully to the side. You make sure no wires are out of place and that nothing needs recalibrated. Once you're satisfied, you put the piece back on and move on to Bonnie.

A few gears in the back needed to be readjusted, but that always happens with the blue bunny.

While you'd be able to fix it, it's difficult because of the placement; you have to reach around parts and your vision is partly blocked. Still, you've done this a hundred times, so you clamp the lit flashlight between your teeth and take out the first screw.

Your so caught up in your work that you don't notice the clock strike 12.

When Bonnie's arm moves you think little of it, just an automatic motor adjustment, as you had replaced the last gear. Again, you hear some whirring of parts. That's a bit odd, you might have to look at Freddy again.

The Marionette's music box starts playing. This is what makes you stop. The music box didn't have any connection to the other animatronics, there's no reason it would start to play. Unless the motion sensors went off.

"Shit!" You swear. You see now that the clock says 12:30. The animatronics are set to roam after midnight. You pack up your stuff and drop it off in the maintenance room, then head to the night guards office.

Bonnie's POV

The clock strikes twelve, and sensory information floods in. I start to move before I realize there is something prodding around in my wires. I almost activate my security measures  before the thing looks up at the clock behind me. I can see it's face now, and I'm surprised to see that it is the mechanic who comes in to repair us every week.

She curses and hurriedly packs up her tools, placing  my chest plate back on and runs in the direction of the security guards office.

Freddy is the first to speak. "She's not supposed to be here, not until Tuesday."

Chica pipes up, "And even then she never stays this late. Where's the night guard?"

"She went to the security office. I think she took the job." I suggest.

"What? Why would she take it?"

Mangle swings down fron the ceiling, "Maybe it's because you almost killed the other guard, Chica.

Chica seems exasperated. "How many time do I have to tell you, I didn't hurt the night guard! Not that badly anyway..."

"It doesn't matter," I step off the stage, and I notice that my shoulder isn't locking up like it had been for the past few days.

"I'm going to walk my normal route, unlock my hinges. See ya later." With that I leave the show area and make my way to the dining area.

Your POV

I get to the security guard's office and plop down my bag. It not much of an office though; there are no doors, just an open walkway that connects to the hallway. There are vents to your right and left, big enough to crawl through.

You aren't really interested though, choosing to look at the tablet resting on the table instead. Upon picking it up, you discover there's a keyboard folded behind the tablet so that it could be set up like a laptop.

The keyboard doesn't have any letter keys though, only buttons labeled camera 1 and the like. There is also one with a music note, for winding up the music box. You know this because you are the one to implement the wireless winding.

But, you don't need to bother with that yet. For now, you took to organizing the space to your liking. You removed the crumpled papers and old newspapers and tossed them in the trash bin. You clicked on the fan, if for nothing other than white noise

You pick up other garbage -fast food bags, coffee cups, used napkins and candy wrappers- and toss them in the bin as well. The little bag was now full, so you tied the bag shut and replaced the trash can lining.

After cleaning, you just set up your own laptop and pulled a thermos full of (f/d) out of your bag.

Now it was just a waiting game.


You end up falling asleep with your elbow on the music box button. It's a light slumber, so when there's a clank down the hall, you jolt awake. Your breath hitches in your throat for a moment, before you realize that you are in no immediate danger. You relax and groggily cycle through the cameras, looking for the source of the sound.

You reach the camera that shows the dining area and shudder. There, in the darkness, is Toy Bonnie looking into the camera. It's very unsettling, so you switch cameras, but find nothing else unusual. With a sigh, you turn back to what you were working on before you fell asleep.

The Repair Woman (FNAF x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant