Chapter 33

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The heat is enveloping me. My throat is feeling as though there isn't an ounce of fresh air. My lungs feel dry and brittle. The sky is so black. But around me is the color orange. The crumpling and popping sounds all around. They flood my ears. But I can't...I can't leave. I can't get out of this--not alive. I can't.

His blue eyes. "How are you-" I try to cry through my clogged throat. His eyes shift suddenly. Brown. The color almost honey or chocolate. The heat is still prominent but I feel. I feel like I'm not going to die here. I'm not going to die here.

"Avery get up." He whispers his lips so pink and perky. His eyes sparkling as he stares at me behind his long lashes.

I open my eyes to Kibble whining as she stares down at me. I grab her up an hold her close.

"I'm okay Kibble."

I get up and strip for a shower. I put on the coldest temperature just for my own sanity. The dreams have returned a little bit harsher since Haley told me Blane was on his way here.

I slip on my black skinny jeans and my purple sweater. I leave my hair down in a curly mess. I put on my make up and head down to the lobby without even a hello or good bye to Bryan. I make my way to the park where I am to meet up with Zayn.


"Hey." He hands me a coffee cup and flashes me a smile. I notice he's in his denim jacket with a simple white shirt and his jeans are tighter than normal. His hair looks like he hasn't touched it. He looks like the hot hobo he was when I first met him.

"You look hot." I tell him looking down at my feet to keep the sun from my eyes.

"Thanks." After a moments silence. He asks, "Why the slow morning?" When I look up at him he is looking in a complete opposite direction from where I'm standing.

"Slow? My morning isn't slow." I lie. But actually it's not a slow morning. It's that I'm distracted. I've been thinking about my nightmare weird dream thing all morning. And with that thought came unwanted questions. Like what if Blane does find me? What would he do if he found me? What would I do when I see him? How will I feel or react to seeing him? Is he still my kryptonite?

"Your thinking and not saying it." Zayn notices. He looks at me from underneath his arched brow. He raises his cigarette to his lip and lights it.

"Are you alright?" He says the lit cigarette wagging in between his lips. He inhales and exhales blowing the smoke out. "Because the Avery I know would be telling me," He taps on my head as he says, "what's on her mind."

Just as I am even considering telling him everything his phone rings. He glances at me and I nod my head signaling for him to answer it. He picks up his phone and hits the end button but not before I see a beautiful girl with dark hair. She's freaking gorgeous. I can't help but wonder why he ended that call so quickly.

"Who was that?"


"Impossible Zayn, seriously why didn't you talk to them?"

"Because I'm with you. They can wait."

It's sweet but I don't buy that bull shit for nothing. This beautiful dark haired girl is calling his phone. I've never seen her before a day in my life.

But Zayn wouldn't do that. And he's told you that he was single. He even asked you out. The girl is probably just a nobody like he said. Well at least I know I can keep my secret. He has a secret of his own and I have a secret of my own.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.


He places his hand at the small of my back and leads me through the park and back out onto the city streets.

At First {ZM}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz