Good Spidey, Bad Spidey (Spideypool)

Start from the beginning

As the super-husbands came back from getting their well deserved lunch, our dear pair of red wearing super-suits decided to partake in some dessert.

In the hallway.

Dessert in the hallway, I mean.

Pressed against the wall, the human radioactive spider let the ex-mercenary's tongue explore his mouth.
Hands were grabbing his tights, hard enough to leave a trace behind.
Theirs masks were barely lifted, just high enough to let the end of their nose visible.
His arms around Deadpool, the young Spider pressed their hips together harder.

"We should probably head up to your room now, baby-boy," he whispered against his lover's neck as he began leaving kisses on the surface.

"No times," Spiderman moaned. "Bathroom."

Theirs lips met again, however, none of them made any attempt to move somewhere else or stop their session.

"Well, it's true what they say," said a new voice in the hallway. "There is someone for everyone."

Tony Stark's voice surprised the couple, encouraging them to pull apart quickly.

He left a playful tap on Deadpool's shoulder, making this latter jump in shock before he suddenly remembered that the Tin Can didn't know who was under the spider suit.

[A really sexy baby boy. That's what's under it.]

{A really, really, really sexy baby boy. Still can't believe he wants anything to do with our ugly mug though.}

[I know right?! Like? WTF my dudes? Have you seen us?]

{We're as fugly as that scarecrow in that Supernatural episode— if not worse!}

"Shut up," Deadpool replied to his voices, ignoring Captain America's questioning look.

"The meeting will be starting back in about fifteen minutes. Be there in time," America's ass explained.

"And use protection. We don't need more of you two around here," Tony winked at Spidey, making this last one blush hard and too shock to reply.

"Will do, Cap'tains my captains!" Wade told them as he saluted the married couple "army style".


"Hey Tony? Where's your electro-magnet microscope? I can't find it," Bruce asked his science colleague.

"Pepper made me clean up last weekend," Stark told him as he bit into a sandwich with one hand and continued to play with the left boot of his Iron Man's suit in his other. "Try the pantry."

With a nod, Dr. Banner made his way to the previously mentioned pantry.

He took his key, unlocked the door and entered the room.

Once he turned on the light, he looked in every box, stared at every shelf, emptied every bag before putting everything back where it belong.

No microscope.

"It's not there!" He told Tony once he looked everywhere.

Iron man seemed quite surprised by that fact. He abandoned his half eaten sandwich, got up (the iron leg still in his hand) and suddenly remembered where it was.

"Crap. Pete borrowed it for his school project..." He explained. "It's probably in his room. Give me a sec, I'll give him a call. FRI—"

"No, Tony! No! It's okay," Bruce looked amused. "The kid need it more than I do. I'll just go and get mine upstair. I think I left it in the main living room?"

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