"It's turning around," he said,

"What?" Nancy asked,

"It's turning around!" he shouted,

"Maybe we wore it out," Lucas asked

" I don't think so," Jonathan said " Hold on," as he made a U-turn and Steve holds on to me as Robin lets out a scream

Lilly pov

We make it the Mall and enter only to see Billy setting down El on the floor to the lean into her ear and whisper something. 

" She has her," I said, I see as it starts to come over to El and I feel her fear. I then look behind me to see Ryn standing there in her wolf form growling at the creature . We bow our heads as she takes the lead and let out a bark this caught the attention of the creature as it turns to look at us. That's when a firework hits it and it hisses

" Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas yelled as he threw another one

" Now" Ryn yelled, as she ran at the creature and bit it we follow behind her as we bit it. As they kept hitting it with fireworks we jumped back once it recoiled back

"Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve shouts as he threw another one at it. I saw that as we fought the creature Billy was falling over in pain, both Ethan and Ryn attack it once more and as I was going to as well but I heard El scream and saw Billy hand her by the ankle

" Leave her alone" I growled, as I attacked him by bitting his leg he yelled in pain and turn around to land a punch on my face, I whimpered in pain as he picked me up and threw my to the other side

" Lilly," Ryn yelled, as she came over to cheek on me

" I'm fine," I said, she nodded as we get up and reach the second floor where the others were as Nancy throws a firework at it

"We're almost out!" I heard Will shout 

"I know!" Lucas shouted as he throws another one 

" Dustin! We're out of time! Hurry! Close it now!" Steve yelled,

"Close it!" I heard Dustin say

Ryn pov

I shifted back to help them with the fireworks but then I remember El and how she was down there with Billy. I tried to make a run for it but a hand stops me

" Where are you going" Steve shouts

" I need to find El," I said,

" No, I need you to be here " he shouts, " I can't have you get hurt down there"

" But if I don't El could be the one that gets hurt, " I said,

" Ryn, please" he begged, " I can't lose you "  I looked into his eyes and I saw the same future I saw when I first meet him


I  looked at the human who placed a cup of something warm on the table as he sat down across from me

" So are you going to say something, " he asked, I looked at him " I could help you, take you to where ever you need to go or go to the station to see if someone is looking for you, Or you don't have to talk, "  Our eyes meet and once they did I felt something in me telling me to protect this human. I caught a glimpse of me and him dancing together.

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