Valentines day

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James- he is obsessed with valentines day so naturally he goes all out. First of all it is breakfast in bed (your favourite breakfast), next is the classic bunch of red roses. He then takes you out for the entire day and takes you to your favourite places in the nearby town where you live and then back at home he tries his hardest to cook you a romantic and fancy meal which he eventually manages to do.

After you eat in front of candlelight or firelight, he cleans up and then you finally get a chance to give him his present and card which then reminds him that he has forgotten to give you your gift which is just as extra as the entire day.

The day either ends with you cuddling on the couch or cuddling in bed

Sirius- he doesn't really enjoy Valentine's Day but he enjoys trying his hardest to cook you breakfast and an evening meal but that doesn't always go to plan. Neither of you can cook so you eventually just get the house elves to do it for you while the two of you cuddle on the couch and whisper love confessions to one another.

He usually buys you a box of your favourite wizarding sweets and some jewellery along with a bunch of your favourite flowers. You usually buy him some new cologne and a small teddy because you know that in reality Sirius is just the biggest softie to ever live.

The day finishes by the two of you going on a motorbike ride to the lookout point nearby your house and 'watching' the sunset while making out..(because you totally watch the sunset)

Remus- Remus is a natural sweetheart. He adores the way valentines day is one day you allow him to spoil you, any other day you refuse to allow him to spoil you with things like breakfast in bed, gifts and expensive meals

The day is filled with him kissing the top of your head and you kissing his cheek. It begins with you going downstairs to make him breakfast only to find him already down there making you breakfast. You exchange gifts, a bunch of homemade chocolate chip cookie, a few things of chocolate and a card for him and a bunch of flowers, Chocolates and a card for you. The classic valentines day gifts

Next is a long walk and a picnic on the beach if the weather is nice if not then a walk in the park in the rain. He takes you to a nearby tea room in your town where you share an afternoon tea because Britain and tea are like two peas in a pod.

After that you go home and cuddle on the couch while watching cheesy romantic movies. You both end up falling asleep and when you wake up it is late at night and neither of you habe the motivation to cook something so you end up getting take out

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