First date-Remus

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You and your friends messed around with makeup, hairstyles and clothes until you settled for a comfy but cute outfit and hair and some natural looking makeup.

"Calm down Y/N. Remus is like the sweetest guy you ever go on a date with. I am actually a little jealous" One of your friends said as she layed different outfits out onto your bed

"Back off. He's mine" you snapped, a joke in your tone of voice

Remus met you outside the Hufflepuff common room and, like the gentleman he is, gave you his arm which you linked yours around. As the two of you walked down to Hogsmede, you walked past Lily and the three other boys who all smirked at Remus. Lily gave a comforting smile to you as they joined the walk not far behind you and Remus

"Are you ok Y/N"

"I'm better now that I'm with you Remus. I always feel better whenever we spend time together. Even that night when you found me in the library crying. The second you sat down opposite me I felt better"

He smiled a little when you said this. First place when you went in Hogsmede was the three broomsticks. Both of you ordered a pumpkin jucie and spoke about homework and different classes while drinking them. Your second, third and fourth stops were Zonkos, Gladrags and Scrivenshafts Quill shop just for a browse through the products. Finally you stopped at honeydukes were he brought you some sugar quills while you brought him his favourite chocolate

"Thank you" you said as you walked to the black lake where you both sat and shared many many sweets together while looking at the sunset

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