Part 2

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First letter of first name: (Prefix)
A: Amber/Ash
B: Briar/Breeze
C: Cinder/Cedar
D: Dawn/Dusk
E: Echo/Eagle
F: Fawn/Falcon
G: Golden/Goose
H: Heather/Hail
I: Ice/Ivy
J: Juniper/Jagged
K: Kestrel/Kink
L: Lake/Larch
M: Maggot/Mallow
N: Nettle/Newt
O: Oak/Oat
P: Pale/Patch
Q: Quail/Quiet
R: Rabbit/Raven
S: Sage/Scorch
T: Tall/Talon
U: Fire/Jump
V: Vine/Vole
W: Weasel/Willow
X: Cherry/Honey
Y: Yellow
Z: Jagged/Bumble

First letter of last name: (Suffix)
A: acorn
B: bee/belly
C: call/claw
D: dapple/dawn
E: ear/eye
F: face/fall
G: gaze/goose
H: hare/hawk
I: ice/ivy
J: jaw/jay
K: nut/thorn
L: leaf/leap
M: mask/mist
N: nettle/nose
O: spirit/poppy
P: pad/path
Q: dust/tail
R: rapid/runner
S: scar/shade
T: talon/thicket
U: leg/heart
V: snow/feather
W: water/watcher
X: flight/ice
Y: throat/light
Z: pelt/tooth

I got Kestrelivy! Comment yours!

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