Chapter 4- That's one way to know someone ☻

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Himitsu ga detekuru- 秘密が出てくる

Lunch is almost over. Kinda dissapointed I can't spend more time with these guys.

I see Shiku giggling with Alex, I cough. "Got something to share with me?" Shiku's eyes widen. She looks down, a little smile planted on her face. She says, "I-it's embarrassing though sc-" I huff. "Hmmph" I cross my arms.

Alex giggles even more. Uncontrollably. Is this about me? Shiku stifles a laugh, Jas cait and Joe all confused... they're keeping secrets... about me. I pout harder. "Just tell me dumbass"

Shiku sighs, "promise you won't get mad" I freeze, "So it is about me huh?"  Everyone looks award... looking away. Coughing, trying to play it cool.

I give her the look. She makes weird noises. "FINE! Meandalexthinkitscutewhenyouactlikeatsundere" I growl, "I am NOT a tsundere!"

Everyone looks at each other. And share a giggle. Dammit. Nerds...

Shiku out of nowhere gives me head pats. I freeze.

"Don't she kinda remind you of a fluffy uwu kitty?" She says admiringly... and teasingly?

I blush and shut my eyes closed. Alex joins in, smug look on her face "Yeah a flustered angry kitty"

Everyone is now petting me. I feel defeated. What the hell is going on in this damn school... "Dammit you guys!This is a talent school not a simp school! And I am not a tsundere!"

They all stop realising, I'm completely... red... my voice high pitched. No. I am not cute. I refuse I am feircesome i-

"You notice she didn't deny she was a kitty" alex jokingly winks. I knew something was up with her... it's the quiet ones. She plays with a strand of my brown hair... curling it around hers. Face close to my red one. Her eyes feel like it's breaking through to my soul. I stutter and my breathing changes. She is smirking. Like she has put me in check mate.

Shiku is blushing like a maniac and the others look scared...

Shiku plays along with it. Pppft. Push over. Of course she'd try top me while I'm weak. She says, shyly yet with a hint of courage.

"I'd say it's a weakness... kitten suits her right?" She chuckles. She bites my ear... Wait what the fu-

"G-guys i- we're at school... a-and" WHY AM I STUTTERING?! Curse this damn weakness... how'd she know? Am I readable... like a book? I cover my face.

Alex says biting my other ear, "As if being at school stops us hehe, unless you wanna take this outside of school" Shiku finds it hilarious, trying not to laugh too hard. So does that baka joe. I say annoyed, "Yeah yeah, laugh it up guys, but when it's me in charge you'll damn pay" I 'hmmph' again.

Alex says, "I think she's had enough... for now she's at our mercy~" Shiku says, "Wait what do you mean for now... Scar is gonna-" I smirk. "Yes, and I will find your weaknesses. But for now let's head our ass back to class."

The rest of the day was normal. We met new teachers. Head of every talent and they told us about themselves and their passion... what they hope and offer.

I can't wait till I go home. I'm never wearing baggy shit again. Or mascara. *oof* I roll my eyes. Why did I pick this... i usually go for tight fitted things... it's whatever.

Shiku is passed out on the desk. So is Alex. Pppft. How are they going to make it? It's only the first day. I gotta remind myself to bring them to the library. Apparently the new students are going to be introduced tomorrow.

Hopefully they're not as crazy as these guys... *they are*
Maybe I'll get a break. I love them but oh my god...

I smile to myself. I found a decent group of friends. Dorks but they're good hearted and sweet. Except Joe, I sniggered at that remark. He won't know I mock him if it's in my mind.

I scribble a note and throw a peice of paper at joe, cait, shiku, jas n alex:
(I thew the paper in Joe's face, and to wake up Shiku and Alex I threw it at the back of their heads... it was... hilarious..  and succesful, they gave me a dirty look but they deserve jt)

Hey dorks,

Wanna go grab some food after school? We will meet at the front gates. If you're up for it. Write back.
I'm dying for some mochi

Signed, me duh

Their faces light up all at once. Cait makes adorable high pitched noises. They all throw theirs back, all at once. Joe stuffs my hoodie with his answer. Jerk. Tch. Shiku and Alex try to throw it back but miss. Aha.

"Yes" is written on all of them. I smile looking up at the teacher.

Shiku's handwriting is horse shit. I think there is drool on it too. Yuck.

Time passes and we all headed to the shops. Everyone is excited for the meals and talking about what they like and don't. I say happily, "I love spicy food, I hope to have spicy noodles...mmm" I practically am drooling. Shiku says with a grin, "More sushi!" I pat her on the head, "No Shiku you'll get sick" she whines, "f-fine" she mumbles, looking sad. I smile at her. And boop her nose. She blushes.

I love tessing these guys. I always say guys not because they're guys it's just my thing...

Talking of teasing... I have a plan for Shiku and Alex... I chuckle Evily to myself.

We are at the shop.
It's a small shop. The size of a humble cafe. Cozy. You can smell ramen. I take a deep breathe in. An old lady smiles at us. We all wave. These vibes are so happy, and relaxing. Old people are cute... Does that sound weird?

The sunset is a flustered orange, and the clouds loom over slowly, like sea foam bubbles. Shiku tries giving alex a piggy back... but she is clumsy and falls. She giggles and gets up. Dusting herself off.

Cait points and says a little too loud, "Omg a kitty cat!" Jasmine smiles, "It's ginger" and Pat's Caits hair adding, "So cute!" Cait smiles, adjusting her glasses, "Thanks!"

Shiku elbows joe, "Kitty huh" they all roll their eyes. But giggle. I guess I'm the but of every joke until I find out their weaknesses. Sinners.

*not my picture CREDIT TO OWNER*

*not my picture CREDIT TO OWNER*

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We head inside...
Little did I know I'd meet two guests along with us...


I did a pic of joe BUT IT SUCC so I removed it and redo... (more work for lazy lil me XD)



WHAT WILL THEY SAY (stupid stuff to piss of scar tbh)

WILL SCAR FIND OUT A SECRET OF THEIRS? (Sleep is for the weak)

Tune in next time
Or not...
I mean...

Ight imma head out.

-Shiku 💗

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