If we happen to see Hope today, I have no doubt I'll go after her. But what would happen then? I'm positive she won't come running willingly into my arms. She's too smart and too hurt for that. Any ounce of love or admiration she had for me was surely broken by my behavior.

Would I drag her kicking and screaming back to the palace? Or would I allow her to continue her life separate from mine? Neither option seems pleasant, but it's all we have for now. If I hadn't severed the connection, I would find myself in her mind right now, prying through her thoughts.

That is the main reason I ended it. I knew if the connection was kept, it would be abused. Hope would use it to desperately try to explain a truth I wasn't ready to hear, and I would use it to invade every thought she had. It wouldn't be fair for either of us. But now, I think I may need it.

"I'm going to bring the connection back," I whisper to Elijah, trying to register my own words at the same time. This decision will either aid things or make them worse.

"Are you sure? What is she doesn't want to hear you?" He asks, raising a valid concern. I sigh and shake my head.

"I don't know. I need to do it, though. Being apart like this is too much," I admit. I need her, in whatever way I could manage.

"If you think it's the right thing to do," my brother replies.

Before I can answer, my focus is brought to two girls walking below us. A redhead and a blonde. The blonde especially catches my eye. I would know her anywhere.

"That's her, Elijah," I mutter, staring at my mate. When she finally turns to face me and her green eyes catch my blue ones, my jaw drops open as time stops.

We've only been away for a few days, but it has felt like a lifetime. Seeing her now, like this, brings a sharp pain to my heart. What have I done? How could I be so stupid to drive her away like this?

Elijah rises from his seat, giving me a pointed look before we're both rushing to the exit. Hope has a head start and if we're not quick, we'll lose her. I won't let that happen again.

When we finally reach the parking lot, the palace SUV is already driving away. Why hadn't I noticed it before?

"Let's go, Alexander!" Elijah calls. In the blink of an eye, I'm in the car, chasing after my fiance. She's three cars ahead of us, taking turns like a mad man. Momentarily, I lose her, and by the time I've rounded the corner, the car in no where in sight.

I drive for a few more minutes before finally pulling over. Angrily, I punch the steering wheel. Elijah jumps back in surprise, but stays silent.

"We lost her! How could I have lost her again?!" I exclaim, my voice beginning to crack. No, I will not break. I cannot.

Despite how many times I drill those words through my mind, the tears still fall. Sitting in the driver's seat, I allow my emotions to take hold for once.

"I can't believe what I've done. Everything is wrong. How could I do this?" I cry, letting my body shake with sobs.

The last time I felt this amount of pain was when I was standing over my mother's dead body. In someways, this feels worse.

There was nothing I could have done to stop my mother's death, and nothing I could do to bring her back. With Hope, everything is my fault. I drove her away and I am not strong enough to bring her back. It feels like my heart is shattering inside my chest.

"Brother, it'll be okay. We can figure this out and get her back," Elijah offers, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. Through my blurred vision, I glance at him and try to smile. After everything, he still wants to help.

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