Gathering the Group!

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     It was a bright and sunny day. The perfect day to build up muscle with some muscle training. The perfect day. At least, that was Leopold's perfect day. As he worked out, the sun climbed higher into the sky, making him sweaty. Pulling his shirt off, Leo continued his workouts. Some time later, he stopped for some water. 

     "Well, the day can't get any better than this." Leo grinned. Putting the water back up to his mouth, Leo drank until a large slap to the back caused him to spit out his water and knock him to the floor. There were only two people strong enough to do that - his brother, Fuegoleon, and his sister, Mereoleona.

     Fuegoleon was definitely strong enough to knock Leo down, but his brother was very kind and respected others. He wouldn't sneak up on Leo and make him choke on his drink. That could only mean -

     "Get your ass off the floor Leo. You and Mimosa are going training. And I will be supervising." Mereoleona smirked as she lifted Leo by the seat of his pants and turned him to face her.

     "Excuse me, dear cousin," Kirsch twirled out from behind Mereoleona and put a hand up in the air. "But did you forget that I am supervising the training as well?"

     Scoffing, Mereoleona turned to her eccentric cousin. "Stop bragging or I'll make you train with them."

     "Oh dear!" Kirsch held a hand up to his chest. "Don't make me train! I'm too beautiful."

     Mimosa rolled her eyes and muttered something along the lines of "please just disappear." Shaking her head, she smiled and turned to Leo.

     "Hi Leo! You excited?" Mimosa sounded excited, but fear was written all over her face as her eyes darted between him and his sister. Leo ignored her fear and flashed her a thumbs up and promptly worked his way out of Mereoleona's grasp. 

     Now on the floor, Leo redressed and wiped the sweat off his brow. Some of the sweat splashed onto Kirsch and he ran away, shrieking about being filthy.

     "Well that takes care of him." Mimosa said with a little laugh.

     "I doubt it. Once he cleans himself again, he'll be back like flies on a corpse." Mereoleona grumbled. Leo went tight-lipped at the choice of figurative language but said nothing.

     "Hey, so what are we doing to train?" Leo turned to his sister. A sinister smirk crept across her face. Now scared for his life, Leo made a run for it, but a fiery paw closed down on his head and trapped him in place.

     "Where do you think you're going, little brother?" Leo frowned. If he was going to endure hellish training with his elder sister, he might as well bring a friend along to make it fun.

     "Hey sis? Can I bring a friend along?"

     A dark chuckle emitted from Mereoleona. "Why not? The more the merrier."


     At the Black Bulls Hideout, it was a normal day. Luck teased Magna, Magna got upset and engaged in battle with the electric blond, Gordon mumbled to Gauche, Gauche ignored Gordon and stared at a photo of Marie with a trickle of blood running out of his nose, Grey sat beside Gauche and hid her face, Charmy cooked and ate, Vanessa drank from a wine bottle while playing with Finral's hair and conversing with Noelle, Finral wore a heavy blush on his face as Vanessa played with his fluffy hair, and Noelle chatted with Vanessa. Asta was outside training and Yami was in the bathroom. 

     "I'm telling you, Noelle. You gotta take the plunge. He'll never figure it out on his own, so you have to help him." Vanessa wrapped her arm around Finral aimlessly and pulled him close to her. Now pressed against Vanessa, Finral had to calm himself to prevent blood from rushing to his face. He was shocked that he was sitting so close to Vanessa. Keeping his breathing in check, Finral turned out of the conversation.

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