I don't really know how to respond. People have recognized me because of my book before, but it's strange now. I feel like more people know who I am because of Harry. Harry who I don't even know that well.

"Sorry," The girl says, noticing my discomfort. "I read your book a little while ago. You're a really good writer."

I smile. I guess I was wrong then. "Really?" I say hopeful.

"Yep," She nods her head. "your book really helped me come to terms with myself."

"I'm glad." I say smiling. "That's why I wanted to share my story. I wanted to help people."

"You seem to be doing that a lot lately." She says laughing slightly. I laugh with her.

"I guess so."

She looks hesitant before she asks. "This might be weird, but can I get a picture with you?"

"Uh," No one has asked for my picture before. "sure."

I step around the counter. Eleanor is laughing at how awkward I am. I glare at her.

"Is there anything I can get you while you take the picture?" She asks the girl.

"Oh um, a medium vanilla latte." She says.

Eleanor makes the latte while we take a selfie. The girl hugs me when we are done. She pays for her drink. Before thanking us and leaving.

"That was so weird." I say turning to Eleanor. "No one has asked me for a picture before."

She laughs. "I guess you're famous now."

I guess so. I don't know if I like that idea.

- - - - - - - - -

It's about mid afternoon. I let Eleanor go home early so she could get ready for a date. She and this girl have been talking for a while. She won't tell me her name but I can tell she really likes her. I made her promise me I would meet her if they got super serious.

There isn't really anyone else in the shop right now, just a few girls. I'm sure they're also Directioners because they keep looking over at me and whispering. They haven't said anything though. Thank god, I have no idea what I would say.

I have turned to wipe down the counter where we make drinks. I hear the door open and all conversation in the shop stops. I hear someone clear their throat behind me, most likely standing on front of the cash register.

"I'll be there in a second." I say, as I finish up wiping down the counter. "Alright what can I get for-"

My voice trails off and I see none other than Harry fucking Styles standing on the other side of the counter. "Hi." I say stupidly.

"Hello again." He says, his voice is soothing and his tone is somewhat amused.

"Good to see you again, love." I smile cheekily. He flushes. Did he just blush because I smiled at him? "What can I get for you?"

"Oh um," He scans the menu.

I look him over. He is wearing tight black skinny jeans again. Honestly, how does he fit into those? He looks amazing though. He has a white button up with thin vertical stripes on it tucked onto his jeans. And of course, in Harry Styles fashion, the shirt is only buttoned up about half way exposing his ink covered chest. He also has a silver cross necklace hanging against his bare skin. His hair is chin length and curly, partially hidden under a cream coloured fedora.

He looks like some sort of model standing there posing for a camera, instead of picking what to order at a cafe.

"Do I have something on my face?" Harry asks when he catches me staring.

"No," I say, a cheeky smile playing at my lips. "just enjoying the view, love." 

He blushes giving me a dimpled grin. Cute, I think.

"Can I get a medium yorkshire tea please, angel?" He looks he straight in the eye as he says it.

My breath catches in my throat and I blush red. I did not think he would call me that in real life. I never actually though he would talk to me in real life to be honest.

"Yeah sure thing, love." I say. I sound calm but on the inside I am dying.

He called me angel.

"And for the record," He says leaning in closer towards me. "the view from here is pretty good too."

I feel heat rise to my cheeks again, and I hear him chuckle lightly. It's the most beautiful sound, besides his voice of course.

As I make the tea I can feel him looking at me. When I look over, he turns his face away. I think I can see a light blush covering his cheeks. Was he checking me out?

"Were you at the studio again today?" I ask.

"Yeah," He answers turning back to look at me. "We have been reordering for a little while now."

"Hows that coming along? Is it fun?" I'm genuinely curious. 

"Loads of fun." He gives me another dimpled smile, I want to reach out and poke it but I control myself. "The lads and I have been goofing around a lot with this one."

I smile at that. It's cool to know that they actually enjoy working on the albums as much as they have fun performing them. "That's good."

"Yeah." He looks at me. It's a different kind of look that I'm not really sure how to describe. But it makes shivers run down my spine. "I didn't know you worked in a cafe? I thought you said you were a writer."

"I am." I answer quickly. "I just need another thing to do and I run this place with my best friend."

"That's cool. I'm surprised I haven't come here before." He says looking around. "I am usually working at the studio down the street."

I smile, finishing up the tea and handing it to him. Our fingers brush, my hand lingers a little longer than it should. I feel tingles run down my spine at the warmth. I realized my hand is still on the cup, I pull my hand away looking down blushing.

"Sorry." I mumble.

" s'Alright angel, you're good." He says smiling at my blush.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Your number would be great."

I bite my lip trying to stop myself from grinning. "Sure." I giggle.

I write it out on a piece of paper from the notebook in the pocket of my apron. I fold it up and reach over the counter slipping it into the pocket of his shirt. I watch as a light blush coats his cheeks.

Adorable, I think, he will always be so adorable.

"There you are love." I'm still grinning as I pull away.

"I'll talk to you later, angel." He leaves the shop, but not before sending me a dazzlingly bright smile.

When he leaves I smile to myself biting on the nail of one of my thumbs. I hear the group of girls who were still in the shop giggling. I look over and see them smiling at me. I smile back, before trying to get back to work.

Although throughout the rest of the day, my thoughts are pretty preoccupied with the image of a certain curly headed, green eyed, boy with the body of a literal god.

Hello incredible human who is reading my story 👋

I hope you are liking it so far. 🤞

I am considering posting another chapter today, we'll see. 😉

Also side note* How the fuck is this 14th in larryshiper? Only one person has read it.


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