Start from the beginning

"Em, right?" Lupin raised his eyebrow and looked at his friend trying to look as comfortable as one could in his situation. "Are you okay, mate?"

"Yeah..." He nodded. "Perfectly fine. Thanks for checking in, Moony."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing..." Beth grabbed her friend's hand and dragged him to the door. "I think that when I came here Sirius was... Busy?"

"Busy? Ow!" Remus glanced at the blanket Black was tightly holding. "Ow!"

"Yeah..." Pads looked at him apologetically.

"Do you want to... Eat something?" Beth looked at the completely embarrassed with situation werewolf.

"I won't ever eat again, man." He answered and left the room quickly. Beth looked at with astonishment at Sirius before following Lupin. "It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen."


Lily could feel her hands begging to shake anxiously when she saw Severus sitting next to her in class.

When she saw Potter looking at them with extreme concern, she thought she gonna have a panic attack.

"Can we talk?" He asked calmly.

"Defence, are you gonna say something about how unimportant to you am I?" She snapped. She hasn't spoken to him since she heard his conversation with Black.

"Come on, you know I don't think that." He replied. "I just... I had to say that. You know how pureblood obsessed those Slytherins are. All they think about is family trees and dark magic."

"Ow, don't pretend your not interest in that." She looked at him with anger. "I saw your book."

"Lily. I was just reading it for Merlin's sake." He groaned in his regular tone, proved to work perfectly in manipulating redhead into agreeing with him. "It's not a sin, isn't it? I have it from the school library."

"I guess so..." She bit her lip, Evans trusted him more than anyone, she would jump into the fire if he told her to. "I'm still angry with you."

"I know." He smirked. "But you won't be angry forever, will you?"

"No." She smiled softly and shook her head. "Just... Don't say stuff like that anymore."

"Lily, how you could even think it was true? You're the most important person in my life." Severus allowed himself to delicately touch her hand. "You're my best friend."

"Oh, shut up..." She giggled and pulled him into a hug. She thought differently about him now. Four years ago she would die for him, in January she was sure they should be together... Now? She wasn't sure how many more times she'll allow him to hurt her. She finally understood that her crush on him was just an effect of her Griffidor loyalty mixed with the idea of loving your best friend from muggles romantic comedies. It wasn't really, it was just something she thought should happen. Something he made her believe that should happen... But she didn't anymore and that completely terrified her.

She thought he was perfect match for her but being him didn't feel even half as right as laughing at Potter's stupidity...

"You're the stupidest person I've ever met, Potter." Rachel laughed at her roommate. "What the hell were you doing all morning?

"Nothing really, I've talked with Remus and lose track of time." The brunette lied to her without a blink.

"Did he said something about me?" Cynthia grabbed her arm in the old couple way.

"Only that he wants to propose..."


"No, he didn't say anything about you Cyn," Beth mumbled.

"You're a very mean person."

"I am." She smiles to her friend and pulled her towards the entrance.

"We have lessons..." Brunette reminded her.

"I'm in the mood for a cider."

"Beth!" She protected but it was too late.

"Rach are you going?"

"Nah, I have plans." Rachel smiles sadly. "But have fun skipping class." Two girls did exactly that. Had lots of fun, after few hours Beth walked the completely drunk Cyn to her dorm and came back to the common room.

She wasn't alone for long, she felt someone's hands arms around her body and a silent kiss on her neck. "Sirius..."

"Thanks to you, darling, Lupin can't shut up about how my... Alone time?" He said and added with a very poor imitation of Remus's voice. "You're not living alone, Black. You can just wank off in OUR room. I sleep there too, you know."

"I'm sorry..." She chuckled before turning around to kiss him. "It's not my fault you got... Excited?"

"Actually, it was your fault." He smirked. "You have no idea what you're doing to me, Potter..."

"We have to be more careful..." She stepped back.

"I know..." He mumbled and pulled her closer again. "I just can't keep my hands off you."

"Good night, Black." She just kissed the corner of his lips before leaving him the common room. He smiled and was about to go to his dormitory but the doors opened.

"Everything, okay?" He asked a short girl that just entered the room. "Rach?"

"I..." Blonde looked at him feeling that she was about to fall down. "My father... He..."

"Hey, hey..." The boy led her to the couch. "Calm down, should I call Peter or Beth?"

"No." She stopped him. "I don't want them to know..."

"Know what?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, all of the people should know." Rachel laughed. "Coles, Blacks, Malfoys... All the same, aren't they. Support the same people."

"Shit." He imminently understood and even though he didn't know that we'll be hugged. "It's gonna be fine, Rach."

"You don't know that..." She sobbed into his shirt, the letter from her father clearly set that she's not gonna be fine. She couldn't be even sure if she gonna join dark lord before she'll the school.

"I would do anything for Peter and your Peter's girlfriend so I will do anything for you." He touched her chin. "I promise. You can count on me."

"Thanks." She wiped her tears away and looked at him sadly. "Please don't tell Peter. I'll tell him myself."


"Good night, Black." She smiled to him as stood up.

"You gonna be fine?" He asked.

"Yeah..." She answered weakly. "I need to think."

"Well, good night then," Sirius said before leaving her alone.


The girl looked at the fireplace and smiled. The act is worthy for her surname. Maybe her father was a pure-blood fantastic but her mother was smarter than that. She teaches her only born how to survive no matter what.

The war is a delicate matter, daughter. Her mother used to say. Never pick aside, just make sure you're welcome on both.

Her daddy would happily arrange her marriage with some pureblood asshole, maybe even with one of the Blacks' siblings. And if the situation required it, she would go down the aisle with a big smile.

Lovely Peter and his friends would protect her if conflict played out differently.

Neither way, she was sure she was able to sell those lies equally convincing...

War is a desperate time, daughter. Don't be afraid of desperate solutions...

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