oh god, i wanna kiss him.

what the fuck ivy y'all just became friends, calm down-

"um. it's uh... getting late. i should probably go home soon." i managed to steer my thoughts into a more appropriate direction. i got up from his bed, reaching for my phone to check the time. 8:42. "shit, i hate walking home alone at night. i should have driven here." sitting up, he said, "you walked here? oh right, that's how you got followed. uh, maybe call an uber. i can't drive, so i can't drop you off, sorry."

"you can't drive? as a 27 year old? pftt." i tried not to laugh. "shut up, i'm working on it. call the fucking uber," he grumbled. "i don't know... ubers are scary, i've kinda stopped using uber after hearing all those horror stories about women getting assaulted in cars. man, being female is hard sometimes." i sighed. "ahh. then maybe a friend can drive you home. maybe deb?"

clicking on her contact, i called her to see if she could drive me home. after a few rings, she picked up and i put her on speaker. "hey deb, i was wondering if-" "YO IVY! WHAT DO U WANT, I'M AT THE CLUB," deb yelled over the heavy background noise. ciarán snd i leaned away from the phone slightly. "uh, maybe call someone else. she's probably drunk as hell," ciarán said. "WAIT, WAS THAT CIARÁN? OH MY GOD, DID YOU FINALLY GET LAID-"

"GOODBYE!" i said into my phone loudly and ended the call. "uh... i'm gonna call nick." tapping on his contact, he picked up right away after i called him. "hey girl, what's up?" nick's slightly raspy voice greeted me. "hey q-tip! i was wondering if you could drive me back to my apartment from ciarán's place if you're not too busy right now. something happened today and i don't really feel safe going home alone at this time." i heard some quiet shuffling on the other line for a moment as i awaited his response.

"sure, of course. ciarán's house, right? i'll be there in about 20 minutes." "thanks, see ya!" i ended the call happily, glad that someone could pick me up since ciarán's baby ass can't drive. "nick's coming in like 20 minutes. what do we do while we wait?" ciarán shrugged, his lips set in a slight pout for some reason. "uh... why do you look-"

before i could finish my sentence, my phone pinged multiple times, and i looked down to see several text messages from deb.






"um... deb really wants us to go live with her right now on instagram. should we...?" "sure," he shrugged again, "might as well humor her drunk ass." smiling, i opened up the app and tapped on deb's "live" icon, requesting to join. a few moments later, i got accepted into the live, and i angled the camera towards me and ciarán's face while waving cheerfully.

"HEY GUYS! HI IVY! AND CIARAN! I'M AT THE CLUB RIGHT NOW- I'M... I'M HAVING SO MUCH FUN!" deb yelled over some bass heavy club music. "yeah, we can tell," i said loudly into the phone, subconsciously combing through my hair. ciarán rolled his eyes, shifting closer towards me to get a better view of the screen. "AWW! YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER. WHY ARE YOU AT HIS PLACE AT THIS TIME, IVY?" we both winced at the volume she was speaking at, and i lowered the volume slightly while answering. "i'm working with him on new music, remember? we lost track of time so that's why i'm still here. i'll be going home soon, though."

i laughed as i saw the comments go crazy over ciarán and i. "oh my god, someone said 'what's ivy doing making music with a mute.' ciarán, prove to your stans that you aren't mute!" he stared at me in a deadpan expression, and i stared right back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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