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Glass fucking exploded into the room as a figure in a broom and witch clothing smashed into your window. Although you were quite surprised, you already knew who it was. Marisa Kirisame.

She wasn't a bad person... not really anyways. She did break into your house just now, but she does that all the time. It's become a bit of a norm, but it's always at the weirdest times. It's like she plans her break ins to your home beforehand. You massaged your temples and decided to ask why she was here. "Marisa, why did you break through my window again? For the 17th time. Last times you kicked my door down as well. I pay these."

"Oh don't be such a downer, ze," Marisa got up from the glass covered floor and patted herself down. After fixing up her hat and hair, she continued, "I need you for a another heis- I mean borrowing session!"

You let out a loud sigh and fell back on a chair. These "borrowing" sessions were no more than thievery. It made you feel really bad whenever you were forced into these, but it's not like you had a choice. She basically kidnapped you on her broom and flew really high and made you stick real close to her for the entire ride. Pretty sure you threw up the first time. Wasn't a pretty sight.

"Cmon, (Y/N)! The village is so boring. You need some excitement and in your life to get by!" She put up her hand. She wanted you to take it.

"...Fine, but stop going so high, okay?" You take her and you both get on the broom.

"Alright! Here we come Patchouli!" The broom floated upward, then you both crash through another window.

"Seriously, Marisa?!" You yelled as shards of glass flew by your face. You put your face real close to her head and closed your eyes, holding her real tight.

"Hehe, sorry, (Y/N)," Marisa apologized.

You couldn't see her face, but you could see her ears had turned a bit pink. Now realizing what you were doing, you loosened your hold around her.

The village slowly disappeared from view. You take in the scenery below you. While you've already seen this a couple times before, it never got old. There were a few youkai hanging around as well. Some shot danmaku are you, but Marisa was both quick and flexible with her broom. The distance helped too.

You really didn't notice it before, but... her hair smelled really nice. You could help but subconsciously lean closer and hug tighter. The broom became a bit less stable as Marisa began to blush. You lost yourself a bit and hoped it wasn't poisonous or something.

"Gosh..." Marisa tilted her hat towards her face. Even if you could see it.

"You two!" Someone yelled.

You and Marisa jumped a bit, you especially. You quickly got a hold of yourself on the broom, else you'd fall. That was not an experience you wanted to feel again. A shrine maiden flew towards you both.

"W-what is it Reimu?" Marisa stopped the broom and face Reimu. She was still covering her face with the rim of her hat, trying not to look into Reimu's eyes.

Reimu looked at you both with scrutiny, then sighed and explained her predicament, "Look, some random youkai has been eating villagers. Have you two seen anything suspicious?"

"Another incident?" Marisa seemed to perk up, her blush mostly gone, and her confidence back.

"Not really, just an idiot breaking the rules. Now I have to go exterminate whoever it is. You two be careful, alright? And don't do anything weird to him, Marisa."

"What? Why am I the suspect, ze?" Marisa complained, although it seemed to be in good fun.

"Your face was red, and if he was the one doing something weird, then you'd have kicked him off."

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