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It’s raining. 

Water droplets start to fall from the sky and hit the dirt.

You quickly take out a blue umbrella from your rucksack and cover yourself before it gets worse. Good thing you brought it just in case. The rain became heavy a moment later. What a bummer, it was sunny a minute ago, but those rain clouds came from nowhere. Must be some crazy youkai’s doing. 

You feel a bit dejected that your little expedition outside the village was coming to a halt. With so much rain obscuring your vision, it would be dangerous to keep going. You turn around and head back to where you believe the village to be, but find yourself a little lost. After aimlessly walking around, you managed to find a familiar road to the village. Checking the scenery and a map you had brought, you calculate your position and the direction of the village. Thankfully, it wasn’t too far, perhaps a 20 minute walk. 

Thunder roared above and the wind was picking up. Just what kind of bad storm were you in right now? It was already becoming difficult to hold onto your umbrella at times. Your pace quickened as you tried to hurry back to the village. Your eyes then catch something, a humanoid figure lying in the distance. Did someone get hurt in the storm? 

You waste no time reaching the body. It was a blue haired girl with very ragged clothing. Weird talismans were stuck to it, but you didn’t bother reading what they were. What concerned you was that this girl was unconscious, wet, and far from help. Unlike you, she didn’t have anything to protect herself in this weather. You put a finger to her wrist and check for a pulse. It relieved you that she was still alive. Just why had she come this far out? No, no time to think about useless things. How were you going to get her back home? There was no way you could carry her while dealing with the wind trying to carry his umbrella away. 

After taking a second to rack your head for a solution, you decided that you could only do one thing. You take out spare clothing from the bag and wrap it around her like a burrito. You then hastily put away the umbrella, and pick her up in a bridal carry. You run like hell against the storm to the point you almost trip over your own feet, but you managed to make it back to the village safely. The streets are empty, as everyone is hiding from the storm. You make it back to your own house without issue, put the shivering wet girl on the couch, and collapse to the floor. 

Your heart felt like it was about to burst, but you endured. After a quick rest, you check on the girl. She was still wrapped in wet clothing, so that had to go first. While you knew it was improper, you at least had to get the top and pants off. After getting your clothes off her, you start lifting her top, and notice that she doesn’t have anything underneath. You silently put the top back down, and instead, walked over to the fireplace and started a fire. A heavy blush surfaced on your face, but you shook away any impure thoughts.

It didn’t glaze over your mind that the girl was likely severely malnourished. She was likely homeless. Perhaps she wanted to… no, let’s not think about that. If push came to shove, you would give her something to work for. 

With the fire set, you carry the girl over to the fireplace with a blanket and sit next to her, letting her head fall to your shoulder. It didn’t come to your attention before with how panicked you were, but she was abnormally beautiful. You couldn’t help but put a hand to her head and caress her gently, letting your fingers run down her hair. What was a pretty girl like her doing out in the storm?

Your eyes get as heavy as your thoughts, and you fall into deep sleep. 



You’re jolted awake when you feel something rubbing against your body.


Hearing a feminine voice, you turn your head to the source and gaze into deep blue eyes. A blush appears on both your faces. The girl doesn’t hesitate to push you away, making both of you fall out of the blanket.

Touhou x Male ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang